Chapter 3

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     After the movie ended, the group went back to the arcade. Max was still feeling a little flustered from the popcorn accident during the movie. Dustin, Lucas and Will were talking about the awesome fight scenes in the movie while El watched Max play DigDug. 

El: What is this?

Max: Its DigDug. Its a video game. You want to try?

     El hesitated. Shes never played video games before.

El: I don't know how to.

Max: Ill show you. Here.

     Max positioned herself next the El. She grabbed the joystick and pressed start. Max gave her advice throughout the game. Max could smell El's purfume as she stood there. She smelled so good.

El: No! I died.

Max: Its okay! I wasn't very good at the game when i first started either. It takes time. You'll get there someday.

El: If you say so.

     They continued to play until the arcade closed. Everyone was leaving except for Will, Max, and Eleven.

Will: Well that was fun!

El: Sure was.

Max: Sucks it has to end.

El: Maybe it doesn't have to.

Max: What do you mean?

El: I can ask Hopper if you can stay the night!

Max: Really! I would love to!

Will: I'm going to go over to Mike's to check up on him. I'll see you guys later.

El: Okay. Bye Will.

     Will walked off towards Mike's house. Max couldn't contain herself. She was so excited to finally sleep over at El's. The feeling started up again. Hopper arrived shortly after.

Hopper: Hey kid. Did you have fun?

El: Yeah! Max showed me how to play DigDug.

Hopper: Good stuff.

El: Also, do you think Max can stay tonight?

Hopper: I dont know k-

El: Please?! I never get to have friends over.

Hopper: Fine. Get in.

El: Hooray! Come on Max!

     The two girls got into the car and started off towards Hoppers house. The entire way, Max couldn't stop smiling. She was so excited to be around her for an entire night. El was smiling too. She has never had anyone over before. She was so happy that Hopper said yes. 

     They finally arrive at the house, and the girls jump out and run inside. They go to El's room and close the door. They begin to laugh and play around like girls do. A few hours go by and they were sitting on Elevens floor watching a movie. They both enjoyed a bowl of popcorn and some eggos. Max looked over at El and smiled. She wanted to tell her that she liked her so bad. But she didn't. She kept watching the movie. As the movie came to a close, the girls layed in their sleeping bags, looking at each other, gossiping about the latest drama at school. 

Max: Did you know that Steve is dating some new girl named Sarah?

El: Really!? How do you know that?

Max: I saw them kissing behind the gym yesterday after class. It was kinda gross.

El: What was? The kissing or the fact that you saw Steve and Sarah making out?

     They both laughed. Max hasn't had this much fun for a long time.

Max: I think the second one more than the first. Kissing isn't all that bad.

El: Yeah. But I think kissing Mike didn't feel right. I didn't feel a spark like I did when we touched ha-

     Max looked at El. Eleven stopped mid sentence and looked down. Was she saying that she felt sparks with Max? Max smiled at the thought. But what would everyone think if she were gay. What would Billy think. That thought kept replaying in her mind.

Max: Its fine. It's natural to feel stuff like that. I think.

El: Okay. Thats good.

     They both fell asleep not long after. But that thought haunted Max. What would happen if Billy found out that she might be gay?

(A/N: Sorry that this was a shorter chapter. Im just trying to throw in some filler stuff to makle the book more interesting I guess. But I have big plans coming up in the next few chapters so stay tuned for that. Thank you all for being patient!)

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