Chapter 5

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Another week has passed. Max and Will's secrets have been kept under wraps. No one knows. And they both want to keep it that way.  But something changed that day.


Max: I think I'm going to tell El.

Will: What?! Really!!!

Max: Yeah. I think. I'm not sure.

Will: Well I have your back. Whatever you do, I'll be right behind you.

Max: Thanks Will. Seriously. I don't know what I would do without your gay guidance.

Will: I guess you could call it that.

     They both laughed. Max came to the conclusion that even if El didn't think the same way, she should still let her feelings be known. Max loved her. And she would do anything for her. Not matter what anyone else thought. Max and Will split up down different hallways and continued to class. Max got stuck in health class for another day. It was so boring in there. All they talk about is dumb stuff that she already knew.  But that was school. She walked into class and took her seat. Mrs. Till was out of town so they were stuck with some substitute named Ms. Lars.  What an odd name. Max pulled out her notebook and opened it to the first empty page she could find. She was running out of room due to her mindless doodles. 

Ms. Lars: Okay class. Lets settle down and get into your assigned seats. As you can tell Mrs. Till is out of town for the week so I will be you stand in teacher. My name is Ms. Lars. Today you are going to read through the health books and are to write down any questions you may have. 

     Luckily the health books were only a couple chapters. It wasn't a very large book at all. Max pulled it out and opened it. She put her notebook on the health book and continued doodling. Her mind wandered as the class went on. She caught herself thinking about El again. Her soft shoulder-length hair. Her beautiful brown eyes. Her slim body. Max snapped out of it. The bell rang. She didnt finish the assignment. As everyone left, Max tried to write a few questions down quickly. She ripped out the paper and put it on the teachers desk. She jogged down the hall and opened her locker. She threw her health book in and grabbed her English book and went to her next class. She sat in her seat in the back and pulled back out her notebook. She decided that she would continue doodling mindlessly on the page but when she opened to it, she felt her heart drop. The page was her health questions. She flipped through every page to find that her mindless love drawings were gone. She accidentally turned it in to the substitute in health. She wanted to throw up. No one knew she was lesbian except for Will. She didnt know what to do. For the entire class period, the terrible thought couldn't leave her mind. She was doomed. Five minutes before class ended, there was a knock on the classroom door. The principal, Mr. Murdock, walked in.

Mr. Murdock: Hello. Can I borrow Max Mayfield please?

Mrs. Fischer: Absolutely. Max, the principal would like to see you.

     Max wanted to run out. But she couldn't. She got up, grabbed her books and walked out into the hall and followed Mr. Murdock to his office.

Mr. Murdock: Please have a seat Max.

     Max sat down across from him. She was terrified.

Mr. Murdock: I got a paper from Ms. Lars. It has a bunch of hearts drawn on it and one person's name. Due to this behavior, I am going to have to call your parents.

Max: Mr. Murdock, please. You have no idea what would happen if you-

Mr. Murdock: No Max. You broke school rules. I have to do my job.

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