Chapter 15- The Ending

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Billys POV:

     They all need to pay. Billy sat in the darkness of the woods, inside of a little building. He could hear them getting closer. He could hear their whispers. He stood up and slowly moved to the doorway of the building. They were going to pay for what they had done. Billy listened as one of the officers slowly approached the door. He aimed around the corner and fired blindly into the night. He backed away from the door as the other officers began opening fire back. Billy continued to shoot into the darkness until he ran out of ammo. He threw his gun down and hid behind an old desk. The other officers stopped shooting into the building and all fell silent once again. Billy sat there in the darkness. He was losing his mind. He was going insane. He needed vengeance. He wanted blood. He wanted to kill his baby sister. He was going to run out and face the army of them. Head on. As he went to stand, one last gunshot rang out, and Billy fell to the ground.


Hoppers POV:

     Hopper walked into the building. He held his gun steady on the slumped over figure in the corner. He hoped that it was over. That he could go back to the hospital and be with his daughter.  But he had to be sure. A few other officers ran up behind him for backup. Hopper walked over to Billy's body and knelt down next to him. Billy gasped for air as he clutched his stomach.

Billy: You f-fucking pig.

     Billy spit a mouthful of blood on Hopper. Hopper stood up and began to walk away. Before he left, he turned around.

Hopper: Have fun in hell, you piece of shit.

     As he walked out into the night, he heard Billy scream in rage. Hopper turned just as Billy reached him, tackling him to the ground. Hopper struggled to get Billy off of him, but Billy was to strong. Billy reached up and grabbed Hopper by the throat. Hopper fought with all he had, but Billy's grip tightened around his throat. The other officers rushed over and tried to get Billy off of Hopper, but he wasn't moving. 

Billy: You, Chief, are the one that is going to have fun in hell.

     Billy tightened his grip even more. Blood began to trickle out of Hoppers neck. Hopper kicked up and hit Billy in the bullet wound. Billy winced and loosened his grip. Hopper pushed against Billy and the other officers grabbed him. Hopper gets up onto his knees and gasped for air. He wipes the blood from his mouth as he stares down Billy. 

Billy: F-Fuck you, pig.

     Hopper swung his fist right into Billy's temple, knocking him out. He spit out a mouthful of blood as the officers called for an ambulance and put Billy's limp body in handcuffs. It was over. He got him. Max was safe. El was safe. Hopper walked out into the cool night once more. Lights lit up the forest as he began to make is way back to his car. The cool air felt good good against his burning wounds.


Wills POV:

     Will sat outside of the hospital, thinking about the events from earlier. How could he be so stupid. How could he say such an idiotic thing. A tear rolled down Wills cheek as he realized he may of ruined his friendship with Mike. A slight breeze blew through the air and Will shivered. Suddenly, a voice broke the silence.

Mike: Mind if I sit here?

     Will looked up at Mike. He was nodding towards the empty spot beside him on the bench.

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