Chapter 6

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El's POV:

Will walks out from the back hallway of the arcade. He had a grim look on his face as he walked up to the group. El wondered why Max still hadn't come out of the room yet, but she thought Will might know.

El: Will, wheres Max?

Will: She wasnt in there. She must've went home. Or somewhere.

El: Weird. She left her skateboard here. It's not like her to forget her it like that.

Will: Well, uh, I guess she did.

Dustin: Do you know something that we dont Will?

Will: What! No. Erm, I dont think so.

Lucas: I hope she's okay. She seemed super upset about getting suspended. But it was only a cigarette. How bad could her punishment be.

The gang went back to playing the arcade machines. El would take Max's skateboard to her tomorrow at her house. The gang all parted ways a little after 8 and headed to their homes. El walked down the dark, forested area. The same way Max took a few hours before. El walked at a swift pace due to her fear of this road. Ever since she escaped the lab two years prior, she hated the dark forests. She didnt mind it when Hopper kept her in the cabin because She hardly went outside. But that rainy night when she met Mike, Dustin and Lucas will forever haunt her. She was scared at that point. She escaped a lab, watched a man get shot, killed two agents and ran into the woods. No little girl should ever go through that kind or trauma. But El was strong. She managed to get where she was today. She's in school, she has a ton of friends, and she has a good guardian. She continues walking toward her house. She wondered why Max left the arcade. And if what she said was the truth. She liked Max. She was El's closest friend. They hung out non stop together. And everytime they did, it was so fun. Suddenly she stopped. She saw something laying on the ground a couple feet ahead of her. She slowly walked towards it to see what it was. She picked it up and examined it. It was a backpack. She had a confused look on her face as she looked around to look for the owner. She opened it to hopefully find who the backpack belongs to. She pulled out a notebook and flipped through a couple pages. On one page, there were a bunch of hearts. El rolled her eyes. Typical school love. She flipped a couple more pages and found an assignment for what seems to be Health class. And on the top of the page, written in pencil, was Max Mayfield. El's heart dropped. She put the notebook back in the bag and slipped it over her shoulder. She ran home and noticed Hopper wasnt back yet. She opened the door and ran to her room. She grabbed a blindfold off of her dresser and clicked on her radio. She tried to channel Max's radio but nothing came. She slipped on her blindfold and closed her eyes. She appeared in the familiar black void and began to walk forward. She tried to channel Max even more through the void. Suddenly, El saw Max laying on the ground, curled up in a ball. She walked towards her and called out her name. No response. She reached Max and examined her. She was asleep. But hidden under Max's arms were a bruised and body face. El couldnt breathe. Max was hurt. For all El knew, she was dead. She ripped off her blindfold and radioed the guys.

El: *click* DUSTIN!MIKE! ANYONE! CODE RED! *click*

El waited to a response. Tears swelled in her eyes. Max was hurt and she didnt know where she was.

El: *click* IS ANYONE THERE!?!*click*

Lucas: *click* What the hell Eleven. What's going on?*click*

Dustin: *click* Yeah. What's with the screaming?*click*

El: *click* Max is in trouble. I found her backpack just on the side of the road and used my powers to find her and- *click*

Lucas: *click* And what El!? *click*

El: *click* She....she's hurt. Her face was all bloodied and bruised. She was unconcious. I'm worried. Over. *click*

Will: *click* It was Billy. Over. *click*

Dustin: *click* What do you mean? Over. *click

Lucas: *click* Forget the overs. What the hell do you mean it was Billy. *click*

Will: *click* I cant say. But I have a feeling that it was him. *click*

Lucas: *click* Do you know where she is El? *click*

El: *click* No. But I'll find her. Meet me at my house in 10 minutes.*click*

Dustin: *click* Roger that. Over and out.*click*

El grabbed her blindfold and slipped it back on. She clicked to a channel that was all static and closed her eyes. She walked through the black void back to Max. She looked down at the red-haired girl. She could see her face more clearly and saw the cuts on her face. She was extremely beaten. El looked around Max to try and find a clue to where she could be. She noticed the floor was all concrete. She also noticed the pole behind her. It was painted a teal blue. El knew where Max was. She ripped the blindfold off and ran into the living room to wait for the guys. Once they got there, they all got on their bikes, El riding with Dustin, and set off towards Max. They stopped in front of a house and they all got off the bikes. The blue Camero sat in front of the house and the gang walked towards the front door. Suddenly there were gunshots and a window shattered. El held up her hand and threw open the door.

A/N: I had a different POV for this chapter to fill in an important part coming up. So get ready for an intense chapter coming up. Talk to you soon ;)

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