Chapter 7

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     Max saw Eleven in the darkness. She felt like she was floating in the void. She looked down and saw herself laying there, lifeless. Cuts and bruises on her face. The air felt heavy as she saw herself. She couldnt breathe. Blood dripped from her nose and lip as she stood there, watching El tear up. Max felt the pain all over her body. It wasnt like a pain she had ever felt before. This was excruciating. Max tried to scream out, but the words never came. Suddenly, El vanished into the void. Max began to wake. She couldnt move because of how much it hurt. It hurt to breathe. She slowly opened her eyes to find a blurry sight. She could make out a light blue pipe in the corner, telling her she was home. Through the tears and blood, she was able to see a figure standing across the room. She knew it could only be one person.

Max: B-Billy.

     Max watches the figure begin to walk towards her. She was terrified on what was about to happen.

Billy: Well, well, well. Look at what the Dyke whores drug in. The newest addition, little Maxi. Queen of Dykeville.

Max: Billy, p-please. I-I can explain.

Billy: You had enough time for explaining. Now you have hell to pay for what you did to this family. Lucky for us, mom and dad are away this weekend. So it's just me and you, Maxi.

     Max felt helpless. She felt so alone. She tensed up as Billy continued to approach her. The pain began to intense again. It kept coming in waves. Blood obscured her vision even more. She could only see a dark blur moving towards her. Suddenly, a piercing pain shot through her body. Then another. And another. Billy didnt even acknowledge the fact that Max passed back out. Max only saw darkness. She saw herself again, laying there. Blood dripping from cuts that Billy made. But then, she saw El. She saw her walking towards her lifeless body. Max saw El look around her. She was looking for something. She watched her eyes lock with the teal pole in the corner and she disappeared. El was trying to find out where she was. She could still feel the hits that Billy dealt to her. She could feel the pain in the dark void. She had to do something or else she would more than likely be killed by Billy, her own brother. She fought the pain and fought the darkness. She snapped awake and used all her strength to push Billy back. He stumbled backwards and hit the wall behind him.

Billy: A bit feisty arent ya Max. 

     He walked back towards her but she kicked up and hit him in the face. She got up and stumbled up the stairs. Billy ran his fingers under his nose and saw the blood. He reached behind him and pulled a handgun from his waistband. 

Billy: You are fucked now, you little bitch.

     Max heard him begin up the stairs. She slammed the basement door shut and placed a chair in front of it, hoping to slow Billy down. She collapsed down to the floor and began to go in and out of consciousness. The adrenaline was wearing off and Max began to feel the pain even more. She couldnt move her right arm and she had to do everything in her power not to pass out. The basement door flew open and Billy walked into the living room, blood dripping from his freshly broken nose, with a silver handgun in his hand. 

Billy: Its over now, Max. No more running. It ends here.

     Max watched as Billy aimed the handgun at her. She looked around and grabbed a vase from the coffee table next to her and threw it at Billy. It hit his arm, and he shot. The bullet flew through the window behind her and Max tried to crawl to the door. Billy cocked his gun again and aimed it right at her. She shot, hitting her in the back of the shoulder. Max lay there, lifeless, as Billy slowly walked to her. 

Billy: I cant believe you did this Max. You disappointed us all. And now, no one can save you from this fate.

     He grabbed her by the hair and put the gun against her temple. Max couldnt contain the tears as she started to fade into the darkness. Billy placed his finger on the trigger and began to pull on the metal. Suddenly, the door flings open. Billy looks up and removes the gun from Maxs temple. 

Billy: What the he-

     He flew back into the wall. The gun flies out of his hand and onto the floor. Max slowly looks up and sees her savior. El walks into the room, her arm raised, and her nose bleeding. She throws her hand up and throws Billy up to the ceiling. She throws him down to the floor, forcing him against the floor and the wall. Billy was frozen in place and couldnt move.


     Maxs vision begins to blur even more as she watches Eleven from the floor, her gunshot wound seeping blood into the carpet. El raises her other arm and tenses up, lifting Billy once again. She slowly closes one of her hands, making Billy cry out in agony. Max heard a snap as Billys arm breaks. The guys run into the house and watch the chaos. Will kneels down next to Max and grabs her hand.

Will: Its going to be okay, Max. Just stay with us.

     Max looks at Will with tears in her eyes. She lets out a scream as the pain fully kicks in. The cuts on her face, the broken arm, and the gunshot wound in her shoulder. El continued to hold Billy in place, still crushing his arm. She suddenly throws him to the other side of the room and starts to put pressure on his neck. Billy thrashed around violently as he tried to gasp for air and scream, but couldnt get any. His face began to turn blue as he went unconscious. 

Max: E-El. S-top. P-lease.

     Eleven looked over her shoulder at Max, who was slowly passing out. She released Billy and ran over. She looked over Maxs body at her wounds. 

El: Max. Im so sorry.

     She reached down and held her hand. She felt weird in a way. She had such a strong feeling towards Max. She did everything to find her. And she did. She loved Max. It was clear to her now. And she knew Max loved her too. The way she looked into her eyes told her everything. The notebook in Maxs backpack made sense. It all made sense. Dustin called 911 on Maxs home phone and El held her hand the entire time they waited for the ambulance. The paramedics put Max on a stretcher and began to wheel her onto the ambulance. El climbed into the back with Max and grabbed her hand once more. The guys grabbed their bikes and began their trek to the hospital. Eleven sat there, looking at Max, while the paramedic hooked Max up to an IV and put an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. Max slowly turned her head to El and tried to say something but couldnt say it loud enough. She leaned closer and tried to listen to Max.

Max: I-I-

     Max trailed off but tried again. This was important to her. She wanted El to know.

Max: I- Love you, E-Eleven.

     El took a second to process it all.

El: I love you too Max.

     Max let a small smile appear on her face as she faded to black.

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