Chapter 13

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Maxs POV:

     Max layed in the trunk of the car as it sped down the road. Her eyes closed and she greeted the consuming darkness. She jolted awake as the car suddenly sped faster. She panicked as the car got faster and faster and then nothing. Max was weightless. She was lifted off the floor of the trunk as the world spun upside down around her. Then, with a deafening crunch of metal and concrete hitting each other, she blacked out.


Hoppers POV:

     Hopper raced after the blue camaro as it drifted around corners and through small alley ways.

Hopper: All units respond to Dearborn Street. In pursuit of a dark blue Camaro. Suspect is a Billy Hargrove, escaped convict. Possible kidnap victim somewhere in the car.

Officer: 10-4. Williams and I are in pursuit.

     The camaro turned onto an adjoining street and sped up, causing a larger gap between Hopper and the car. Hopper half drifted around the corner and put the pedal to the floor. He was gaining. And then, in the blink of an eye, the camaro was tossed into the air as of it were a piece of paper. Hopper slammed on the brakes and skid towards the now upside down car.He hopped out of the car, gun drawn. Smoke began to pour out from underneath the hood of the car as Hopper got closer. Glass was all over the pavement as he walked closer and closer to the drivers side of the car. Hopper steadied his gun as he reached the drivers side door. There was a puddle of blood that trailed off towards the woods.

Hopper: God Damnit.

     Hopper searched the rear of the car as more units showed up. Finally he reached the trunk. The door was banged up pretty bad and he tried to pry it open but needed something smaller and sturdier to break through.

Hopper: Hey, Jones. Grab me the crowbar from my truck. Hurry.

Jones: On it Chief.

     The officer ran and soon returned with crowbar in hand. He shoved the end of the crowbar into the trunk door and tried to pry it open. The door bent upward but didnt open. He repositioned the crowbar and tried again. The trunk door slowly began to open but he couldnt pull it open alone.

Hopper: Get some guys over here! I need help.

     Some officers ran over and helped while others grabbed crowbars from their vehicles. They all dug into the trunk door and all pulled on it but still nothing.

Hopper: Keep at it. Dont stop.

     Hopper ran through the small group of officers prying at the door and went to the back door of the car. He got down on his knees, watching the glass, and began to pry the back seat off of the cars frame. He threw the crowbar behind him and was able to get into the trunk. He clicked on his flashlight and did a quick scan. Some random junk was scattered about and there was blood collecting in a dent. He moved some junk and the spare tire as he desperately hoped the girl was in there. And then, he saw her. The dirty red hair, caked with blood.

Hopper: I found the girl. Let's hurry up with that trunk. Get an ambulance down here too. She looks like shes in bad shape.

     Hopper tried to crawl in and get her but it was to small to fit. The other officers kept trying to pry open the trunk as Hopper lay in the glass and metal shards of the wreckage. Finally after 10 full minutes of prying, the trunk door opened up. Hopper crawled out of the wreckage and ran to the trunk. The officers moved out of the way as Hopper got down on his knees and picked up the limp body of Max. Cuts covered her face and arms as he carried her through the brisk dusk. Lights from the dozen police cars illuminated the sky and the sound of approaching ambulance screamed through the air. Soon, the paramedics went to work and got Max loaded up into the back of the ambulance. They hooked her up to IVs and monitors as an officer ran up to Hopper.

Officer: Chief, theres another one. Up the road.

Hopper: Another?

Officer: Y-Yes sir.

Hopper: Hold the ambulance.

     Hopper ran up the road to a lifeless lump in the road. Other officers were gathered around while some were trying to see if the body was responsive. As Hopper grew closer, he saw the facial features of the body.

Hopper: El! No, no, NO! Eleven, wake up honey. Please.

     Hopper held El close as a paramedic ran up. The paramedic called the stretcher over and strapped El into it. Hopper held her hand all the way to the hospital. Before he left though, he had some officers arrange a search party for Billy. After that, the night was a blur. Max went into immediate surgery for her legs and some major cuts on her abdomen. El was put back in her room and had test run to make sure she was okay. The guys showed up not long after 10. They all walked into Els room together while Max still underwent surgery. They all stood there, silent for some time. That is until Eleven woke up.

Dustin: Holy shit. Shes waking up.

Eleven: M-Max?

Hopper: Shes okay kid. Shes in surgery.

Mike: El. We are all here. We've been worried sick.

El: Thanks guys.

     El let a small smile cross her face but it soon changed back to a sullen look. Hopper felt bad for her.

Hopper: Shes safe El. I promise. They are out there looking for Billy now.

El: You mean you didnt get him.

     Hopper stepped back. He had never had her snap at him like that. But he let it go. Shes in pain. Shes worried.

Hopper: He got away before I could get to the car. We'll find him. You have my word.

     El looked away towards the wall. Hopper grabbed his hat and walked out of the room. He had to find Billy. For El. For Max. He wasnt going to stop until he had him.


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