Chapter 9

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     Max lay there in her dark room. She thought about her and El. About what she went through, just to say she loved her. She would still get shoulder pains every now and then. The open window blew the warm, summer air into her room. With everything that had happened during the school year, she was glad it was over. El made everything better the last couple months, but Max would forever have the scars. She hadn't heard from her parents in months, even after everything that went down. But Hopper made her life worth something again. She took her under his wing much like he did with El. As she lay there thinking, sleep finally took over her mind.


     A dream. No. More than a dream. A nightmare. Max awoke on the floor of her parents basement. The room was dark, apart from one lone light that lit up one side of the room. There was a table and some tools hung up on the wall. Max slowly got up and walked towards the lit side of the basement. On the table was a picture along with a few wrenches and screwdrivers. She walked over and picked the picture up from the table. It was a picture of her parents and two children. One around 7 and the other about 3. It was her and Billy. But her face on the picture was crossed out in a black marker. Suddenly, a sound broke the silence. The hairs stood up on the back of her neck. She slowly straightened herself and slowly turned around. She squinted into the darkness. It was laughter.

Voice: Little Max, the family whore. Guess she came back for more.

     Max's face went pale. Goosebumps appeared on her arms and neck as she tensed up, frozen in place.

Voice: Your little bitch isn't here to save you this time.

     Max stood there looking into darkness. Then she saw the shadow. The shadow moved slowly towards her from the other side of the room. She began to back away from the shadow towards the table. Tears began to stream from her eyes. Her back hit the edge of the table and she started sobbing. She couldnt control it. The silhouette continued moving towards her in the darkness. The tears kept flowing down her cheeks. She couldnt move any farther back and she felt frozen with fear. The shadow moved closer. And closer. And closer. She wanted to scream for help but couldnt. The sound wouldnt come out. The shadow finally reached the outer rim of the light. Max knew who it was.

Billy: So this is what's going to happen. I'm going to kill you, Max. I would say it's not personal but. Its personal. Billy ran at Max and grabbed her by the throat.

Max: No! Billy, please. NO. STOP IT. STOP. NO, NO, NO.

     Max snapped awake. Hopper and El were standing next to her. She was drenched in sweat and she couldnt control her tears.

Hopper: Its okay, kid. It was just another nightmare. You're safe.

     Hopper took Max's hand. She knew she was safe. But Billy haunted her. Constantly telling her that she will die. El sat at the foot of Max's bed, looking at her. Her eyes told Max that she was safe.

El: I'll sleep in here. On the floor. Just to make sure shes okay.

Hopper: Alright. But just for tonight.

     Hopper stood up and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. El slid off the bed onto the floor, pulling a blanket with her. She lay on the floor and looked up at Max, who looked down at her. They gazed into each others eyes.

Max: El. Can you sleep in bed with me. I'm still scared.

     El smiled and got up off the floor and slid into bed with Max. She wrapped her arm around Max, spooning her. Max felt safe in that instance. The world didnt matter. She turned to face El. Her brown eyes stared back at Max. They both smiled at each other and Max had that same feeling that she had when she used to look at El before they got together. Max thought for a moment, then leaned in and kissed El. Elevens lips were soft as they kissed. Sparks flew in Max's mind. Max held El close as they pulled back from each other.

Max: I love you, El.

     El looked into Max's eyes. They looked at each other for the longest time, holding each other tightly.

El: I love you too, Max.

     Max snuggled up against El and fell asleep. She didnt have another nightmare.

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