Chapter 8

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     Max woke up to an empty room. She was hooked up to some machines, and her shoulder hurt pretty bad. She looked around and noticed that she was in the hospital. She felt a huge rush of relief as she knew the pain was over. Billy was gone. Flowers and a group of balloons sat in the bedside table next to her. She was hooked up to some machines through an IV. She was sore to say the least. Suddenly the door opened and a familiar face peeked into the room.

Will: Hey, you're awake!

Voices: Shes awake? Go in Will. Youre holding up the line.

     Will opens the door more and is practically pushed into the room by everyone behind him. Dustin, Mike, Lucas, El, and Steve walk into the room.

Mike: How are you feeling Max?

Max: Sore. But okay I guess.

Dustin: I cant believe you got out with the wounds you did. It could have been so much work.

Will: Yeah. And we wouldnt have found you if it weren't for El.

     Max looks over at El. They lock eyes for a moment. El blushed as Max gave a small smile. Suddenly, their connection was interrupted.

Steve: So wait a minute. Billy, your own brother, beat you, broke your arm, and shot you all over a cigarette?

Lucas: Yeah. Now that I think of it, Billy couldnt have been that big of a jackass to do something like that. He smokes a pack a day it seems.

     Max's mind raced. It didnt make sense. The truth had to come out. Right here and now.

Max: I'm a lesbian.

     The room went silent. Max could see everyone facial expressions as it all clicked together. Will have Max a confident smile. She looked over at El and she blushed.

Max: I accidentally turned in a paper with love drawings on it. I fucked up.

     Max looked around at their faces. They were shocked. But then she reached Lucas. She could tell that he was hurt. But most of all, he was mad.

Max: Lucas, I should have told you sooner. Its just-

Lucas: No. Enough of the bullshit Max. You led me on this whole time. Tell me. Did you even like me at all?

     Max fell silent. She didnt. But she didnt want to tell him that.

Lucas: Wow. Then who do you like. Because it has to be someone you know your gay.

     Max stayed silent. She didnt know it El wanted them to know. She couldnt blow this even more.

El: Me.

     Everyone's head turned to El.

El: She loves me. And I love her just as much. And if you dont like it, to bad. This is who we are.

Lucas: What the actual fuck. Like for real. What the fuck. You and El.  So I got to know. What do you think about this Mike.

     Lucas looks at Mike. Mike stands there for a second.

Mike: I knew. When me and El broke up, she told me about the feelings she had around Max. And I told her that it was fine.

Lucas: So this whole group knew?

Dustin: Well I didnt. But I really dont give a shit what you all do in your spare time.

Lucas: Whatever.

     Lucas turns and begins to walk towards the door.

Max: Lucas, please let me explain.

     Lucas stops and looks over his shoulder.

Lucas: No. Fuck you. And fuck the rest of you too.

     He opens the door and walks out. The room stayed quiet for a bit. Steve broke the silence.

Steve: Well that was fun.

Max: What the hell are you doing here anyway Steve?

Steve: Someone had to watch these kids.

El: Momma Steve.

     Everyone laughed. Even Max. Even after what just happened, she had the greatest friends in the world. Lucas would be back, she thought. And now she didnt have to hide it anymore. Her and El looked at each other and smiled. She was happy.


     A few days passed, and after multiple visits from her friends, Joyce, Hopper, Nancy, Jonathan, and Karen, she was finally able to leave. Hopper told her she could stay with him and El for a bit since she got kicked out of her house. It made her feel even happier that she would be staying with her new girlfriend. Hopper said that Billy was arrested for attempted murder and assault on a minor. He would be locked up for a few years to say the least. Lucas never showed back up to the hospital so Max assumed that he was still pretty pissed. El and Will were by her side almost the whole time other than when they had school. She hadn't heard anything from her parents since the call a week prior, telling her to not come home. They had to have heard about Billy. But they obviously didnt care. And neither did she. She didn't need them. She had the greatest family in the world. And she wouldnt want it any other way.

(A.N.- This was meant to be a smaller chapter to describe Max's approach to everything that had just happened and what was to come. I hope you are all enjoying this and I thank you so much for all your support. Talk to you all soon <3)

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