Think Before You Bite (Magcon & O2L Fanfiction)

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Hey guys this is my first ever fanfiction on this site so i hope you enjoy!


August 3, 2014                                                                                  

8:32 am

##JC's P.O.V.##

        "JC! Wake up! You've gotta come see this!" Kian yelled as he shook me awake. "Ugg," I groaned, opening my eyes. His face was barely visible in the dark room. "What is it?" He shook his head, yanking me out of bed. "Just come see!" He pulled me into the living room. I squinted, raising a hand to shield my eyes from the bright light. The TV was blaring News 8, the forecaster....well, forecasting the weeks weather. "what am i looking at?" i yawned, covering my mouth. Then i noticed Kian wasn't in the room. "Kian?" "Up here," he called from the loft of our hotel, "Just keep watching!"

        Rolling my eyes, i flopped onto the couch. "Breaking News from a Nauset Beach!" the TV reporter said as the screen changed. "Just 3 minutes ago there was a startling terrorist attack at the beach today. The terrorists, known as Magcon..." My jaw dropped. Magcon? What were those bloodsucking bastards doing now? "...14 people. Each of the victums have been completely drained of blood and thrown into the sea. Also, 17 year old Malia Rose has assumingly been kidnapped by Magcon. If you see her or any of the known terrorists," pictures appeared on the screen,  "Please contact police immedietly. Thank you for your time." The channel switched back to the normal news.

        The anger that had built up inside me since the reporter uttered the bloodsuckers name suddenly ripped out of me. "KIAN!!!!!!!" I yelled, jumping off the couch. "Yeah?" he appeared in the doorway, fully dressed. "We need to leave. Now." He nodded instead of his usual smirk. "I figured you would say that," he said, tossing me a full backpack. "What's this?" I ask, slinging it over my shoulder. "Stakes, garlic, holy water, classic vampire stuff." He said, scrawling a note for the rest of the guys. "Oh, and the cross pendant." He hands it to me. "Sweet!" I say, slipping it over my head. I pulled on my sneakers, tied them and grabbed my Batman beanie. I slipped my hand into my pocket, where my pocketknife was hidden. It was my backup weapon if i lost everything else. I cant lose it, for Sam bewitched to stay in my pocket.

        "Ready?" Kian asked. I nodded, swallowing hard. Can we really save this girl and defeat Magcon once and for all?

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