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##Malia's P.O.V.##
      "My destiny? What do you know about that?" Laura just smiles. "I know many things, Malia. Like how Carter is a banshee, Cameron had to suffer through the Block and that your brother was recently bitten by Shawn's sire." My jaw drops. "How do y--wait, Taylor was what?" I look down at Taylor, suddenly noticing the bandage wrapped around his wrist. I lifted it and ripped the bandage off, revealing a nasty bite mark not unlike the one Cameron had before. The veins all around the bite were pulsing with black blood, traveling all up his arm.

     I looked up at Laura in shock. "What's happening? Is he ok?" "Yes, he will be fine as long as he survives the change." I raise my eyebrows. "Excuse me? Survive the change? Your meaning he can DIE?" Laura nods, her face suprisingly calm. "Yes, he could die, but I wouldn't worry much. I have seen his destiny already." I grab his hand worriedly anyway, running my fingers over his knuckles like I always do.

     I look away from Taylor to Carter, who is sleeping soundly next to me. "What of Carter?" I ask, "What will happen to him?" Laura smiles at me. "For you, many good things. You two will need each other more than you think you do now. But, unfortunately, he will need much saving." I give her a confused look. "Saving? What do you mean?" She only smiles. "Time will tell."

   I sigh, looking over at Cameron. Before I can say anything Laura says, "Cameron, well, he's had a rough past. He's going to have a better future, as long as he makes the right decisions." I nod, smiling unconsciously at him.

    Laura moves on. "Ah, Matt and Adia. They are quite the two, aren't they?" I nod, looking to them. Adia has her hangs curled up against Matt's chest, and his left hand rests on her hip, reaching across her body as if to protect it. They are perfect, exactly like those "perfect couples" in movies. They're meant for each other. Laura continues, "Adia made a dangerous decision, helping you and the boys escape, but it was well played, for she has saved her mate's life. If Matt had stayed another day Nash would have lost his temper, taking it out on Matt and therefore, killing him. Adia has saved his life, along with the life of Carter and Cameron and Taylor's terrible fate."

   "What do you mean? How did she save them?" I ask, wanting to know what would've become of my brother and friends. "Well, Cameron's death would be quite nasty. He would've attempted to get you and himself out of the prison, but his efforts would fail. He would try multiple times until Nash could no longer put up with it, so Nash did his favorite method of punishment: Public Execution." I gasp. "So, he would of killed Cam? In front of everyone?" Laura shakes her head. "No, it would not be Nash who kills him, it would be your brother."

   I literally feel my jaw hit the floor. "What? Taylor would kill Cam?" Laura nods grimly. "Aye, which is a terrible thing to do. You see, remember that your brother was bit, yes?" I nod, turning his hand over to show me his bite. "Yeah." "Well, he would survive the bite, but soon after a Newborn fully develops they need blood, and lots of it. Nash wasn't aware that he was bitten, so Taylor would receive no blood. It would have eventually driven him crazy, which leads to the death of the Banshee."

  I gasp for the third time today. "He would drain Carter?" Laura nods. "Yes, but he wouldn't have chose to. The vampire had. He drained Carter completely of blood, leaving his body simply a bag of bones." As if he had head what Laura had said, Carter winced in his sleep, grabbing onto my free hand. I hold his hand as Laura continues, "That would be when Nash realizes the change in your brother. He would quickly figure out who Taylor's sire is and make the sire compel Taylor, not unlike my mate, Shawn. Taylor wouldn't be able to resist his sire, so Nash made him do terrible things. Which led to the death of Cameron."

   I look over at Adia. Thank God you saved us, I think to myself, or all of that would have happened to my family. "Your family?" Laura asks, "I have news on them. Like your sister, Aria." My head whips to look at her. "You know about her?" "Yes, she is doing quite well. She has found a mate." I feel Carter's hand tighten around my hand but I ignore it, asking, "She has a mate?" Laura smiles and nods. "Yes, a werewolf. He and his pack are protecting her well." My eyes widen. "Werewolf? Pack? I thought Leya was watching her!" "Aye, she is. It seems Leya has joined this pack." "What? How?"

   Before she can answer Carter's grip on my hand tightens further, crushing it. I yelp in pain as Carter shoots awake, bolting up and turning aroumd, facing me.  I carefully push Taylor off my lap, grabbing Carter's arm. His eyes turn black as he says, "Danger....soon....newborn......blood.....Hybrid...." His eyes roll up inside his head and he falls forward. I catch him, his head over my shoulder and his chest against mine. I shoot a confused look at Laura but she misses it, deep in thought. I go to ask her something but head Carter's voice in my ear. "M...Malia?" He asks, pulling himself off me, his eyes back to normal. "W...what...happened?" I brace my hands on both his arms, making sure he doesn't fall again. "I...I don't exactly know." "He warned us," Laura said, "Danger soon, newborn, blood, hybrid..."

   Her eyes suddenly light up and she stands. "Get up you to, quickly." I hear the urgency in her voice and do as he says, pulling Carter up with me. He sways a bit, leaning on me. Laura says, "Put him in the chair over there, then come with me. We don't have much time." I sit Carter down in the Leather chair across from the beds and run after Laura, who had ran into another room.


    I find her bent over a large chest. "What are you doing?" I ask as she shoves a, length of rope into my hands, "What's going on?" "It's your brother," Laura said, throwing another length of rope over her shoulder and rushing out of the room, motioning for me to follow. She runs back over to the bed Taylor's on and throws her rope on the bed. She takes the rope from my hands and, with her super speed, ties both of Taylor's wrists tightly to the bedposts. That's when I got mad.

    "Laura, why the hell are you tying up my brother?" I demand, making her turn to me? "The Banshee," Laura says, disappearing and returning with bags full of scarlet liquid, "he warned us that your brother's Change was about to happen." "Wait, you mean his transformation to vampire?" She nods. "He should be fine for now. Go get your friend a cup of water."

     I nod and run out the room, grabbing the cup on the counter and filling it with water from the sink. I run back in and hand the cup to Carter, who smiles gratefully at me. I'm about to walk back over to Laura when Carter grabs my wrist, pulling me onto his lap. "What's going on?" He demands of me quietly, "What do you mean I "warned you of Taylor's transformation"? I was asleep!" I shrug. "I think it was the voices in your head again." He nods thoughtfully. "Yeah, they haven't shut up since we got here."

   Suddenly, Taylor shot awake, screaming. He pulled at the ropes on his wrists, trying to reach to his mouth. The veins in his left arm and shoulder were now completely black along with the veins around his eyes. His eyes were black, whites and all, and long, pointed fangs grew from his canines(A/N look at picture above I know it's a Elena but you get the idea). I buried my head in Carter's neck: I didn't want to watch. "What's happening?" Adia yelled, I guess they were awake. "His first transformation," Laura yelled back, "It's starting!"

Hey y'all,  hope you enjoyed!

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