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Hey yall! I'm writing another fanfic called Unwanted, it's a Shawn Mendes fanfic. Go check it out! Also, thanks for the character ideas! They really helped! Anyway, enjoy!
## Leya's P.O.V.##
      Its tuesday morning. The full moon's this friday. My first transformation is then. Let's just say I'm terrified. I've gotten no training whatsoever, we don't have a place to put me, and no one's even talked about it since I was bitten. I'm beginning to freak out.

     Me, Jc, Sam and Aria are driving to get some chains who knows where. Sam's driving with Jc in the passenger seat, and Aria and I are in the back. I'm currently sitting with my knees to my chest and my head covered by my arms, trying to control my breathing. I'm going to have a damn panic attack if I don't calm down.

    "Leya?" Aria whispers to me, "Are you ok?" I ignore the question, closing my eyes. Calm down, Leya, calm down. "Jc," she calls to him, "Something's wrong with Leya." I hear him turn around to look at me. "Sam, stop the car." I hear it slide to the side of the road, and the locks clicked open. I threw the door open and jumped out, running as fast as I could away from the dumb car. I didn't know where I was going or why I was running, I just needed to run.

     I hear Jc call my name, and I freeze, falling to my knees. I bury my face in my hands and hold back a sob, letting tears fall down my face. I'm shaking all over, and I can't stop it. I feel a hand on my shoulder, pulling me to my feet. I'm spun around to face Jc, who's eyes are filled with concern. "Leya, what's wrong baby?" He asks, looking into my eyes. "Are you worried about the transformation?" I nodd, looking down. I must seem like such a baby, crying about one transformation. "Leya, babe, your not a baby. You have the right to be nervous, but don't worry, it's no big deal. Trust me, I'll be the one there to help you." "You will?" I ask, looking up at him. "He nodds. Kian already confirmed it. Your gonna be with me that whole day."

    I nodd, feeling a bit better now. "Is there anything I should do?" I ask him, my mind filling with questions, "Should I do something to prepare, Orr eat something specific, or-" "Leya babe, I'll handle it!" Jc interrupted me, "Just tell me if the chains are too tight." I gave him a small smile, and he embraced me. "Alright," he said, pulling away, "Let's go get you some chains."

##Carter's P.O.V.##

     I sat there, in the same spot on the floor with Malia in my arms, for hours. Taylor's been gone for a really long time, longer then usual, but there's nothing I can do. I'm starting to get worried, but I dont want to freak Malia out. I look down at her. Luckily, she's sleeping. The voices in my head haven't stopped talking since we touched, but I cant make out what they're saying. Im currently just trying to tune them out.

    I hear footsteps. They're done with Taylor I guess. Finally. I see the vamps appear at the cell door, one holding Taylor' unconscious body while the other unlocks the door. It swings open with a clang, waking Malia. The one holding Taylor slams him on the ground, temporarily walking into the cell. When I see Taylor I gasp. His body is covered in bumps and bruises, and blood still drips from a large bite mark on his neck. They never return him like this.

    "What did he do?" I yell at the vampires, running over to Taylor. "He didn't do anything," says the blue eyed one, "It's your friend who did the damage. Blame him! Oh and honey," he looks at Malia, "It's your fault he's suffering." With that, they walk away.

     Malia runs over to Taylor and I. "Come on, let's get him on the bed," I say to her. She nodds, and  we both pull Taylor onto the bed, letting his head fall onto my arm. "Get the bag hidden under the bed," I say to her, sitting next to Taylor on the slab. She grabs it quickly and hands it to me, her hand shaking. I pull out a roll of gauze and rip of a large piece, rolling it up in my hands. I pulled the medical tape out of the bag and used it to tape the gauze the the bite on Taylor's neck. I saw his arm move and looked up. Malia was holding his hand in hers, hard in thought. She ran her thumbs over his knuckles over and over again, seeming to try to warm them.

     "Malia?" I ask, making her jump. "What?" "What's wrong?" She frowned, looking down. "This is my fault," she said, holding Taylor's hand to her chest, "If I hadn't asked Cameron about this, he'd be ok-" "Wait," I interrupted her, "Cameron? You've seen Cameron?" "Oh, you were out cold then," I blush, looking down. "Aww, your cute when you blush," she says smiling. "Hey, is he gonna be ok?" I look up at her. "Who, Taylor? Oh, yeah, he'll be ok. Just very, very sore." She nodds, looking down at him.

      Suddenly, she gasps. "Carter, do you know what the Block is?" She asks urgently, looking at me. "Not really," I say, "But I know it's not good." Her eyes widen. She quickly kisses Taylor's hand and sets it on his chest. She stands, running to the cell door. "What are you doing?" I ask as she pulls a bobby pin out of her hair. "I need to find Cameron," she says, sticking the pin into the lock on the door. "He's being hurt, I know it." "But-" "No buts! I'm going and there's no way you can stop me!" She slides open the door and steps out, closing it behind her. "Hopefully, I'll get you guys out soon. Most likely, they'll get me, so see you soon." With that, she disappears down the hall.

##Malia's P.O.V.##
      I need to find Cameron right away. I saw the look in his eyes when they said he had to go to the Block, and it wasn't good. He looked terrified. I need to find him before he gets hurt.

     I'm not sure exactly where to go, so I just follow my gut. After 5 minutes of wandering the empty halls in silence, I hear a scream. Cameron! My mind screams. I set off at a run in the direction of the scream when another one splits the silence. That's definetly Cam.

     I reach a big black door. Looking around, I put my ear to the door. I can hear Cameron inside, whimpering in pain. What are they doing to him? I grab the lock to the door and push, making the door swing open. Cameron lays chained to a big white table, whimpering and pulling at the chains on his arms. I look cautiously around the room. It's empty except Cam. Weird.

     I run up to him. His eyes are closed, and he's covered in sweat. It's like he's dreaming. I shake him, but he didn't respond. I turn to the chains on his right arm. I begin to tug at it when suddenly he screams, his back arching. His eyes fly open, and they lock on my face. "Malia?" He whispers, blinking. I pull the first chain free and slip my arm under his back, proping him up. "What are you..." he begins to ask, but suddenly his eyes roll up inside his head and his body relaxes. He fainted. Fuck.

      "Wow!" A voice in front of me says. My head whips up. A girl is glaring at me, flanked by two vampires. My head screams WITCH!!! as I look at her, so I tighten my arm around Cameron. "You've gotten extremely far," she continues, "Considering the circumstances. I'm s uprising no one's caught you..." she glares at a vampire that just walked into the door. "What'd you do to him?" I growl, looking from vamp to vamp. "Do to him?" She asks, laughing, "I punished him. He diserved it. Why do you care anyway?" The vampire with blue eyes appeared beside her, giving her a quick peck on the lips. Ugg, why would someone love this evil hag?

        "Gilinsky, you, Matt and your drone thing (A/N aka Shawn) take barbie here and her boyfriend to cell 935." Blue Eye says, walking out of the room with the witch. "No food or water for three days." The tall vampire, Gilinsky, nodded, and he, Justin - Bieber wannabe and the vampire with green eyes walked over to me. Gilinsky pulled me away from Cameron, grabbing both my arms. Bieber and Greenie ripped the Cam's chains out of the table, leaving them still on his wrist and ankles. "Matt, pick him up," Gilinsky orders, "Shawn, follow us." Beiber, aka Matt, threw Cam over his shoulder and Gilinsky pulled me to my feet. He let go of one of my arms and began to walk. I didn't fight him at all, walking beside him. I didn't want Cam to be put in another cell.

        Suddenly we stopped at a cell. Gilinsky unlocked it with one hand and shoved me in with the other. I stood aside as Matt dropped Cameron on the floor next to me. He slammed the door shut, and the three of them left.

         I knelt down next to Cameron, putting his head in my lap. There were bags under his eyes and his skin was clammy to the touch. I felt something hot dripping down my knee. I tilted his head to the side, revealing a nasty bite on his neck. His ankle was also ripped up pretty badly, oozing what I think is venom. I caused all this, both Cam and Tay getting hurt. What am I going to do?

Hey y'all! Please comment and vote! Thank y'all for reading, and I'll try to update soon. Thanks,
                        -Ash <3

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