Escape Plan

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Hey y'all! That picture of Cam above though ZAYUMM CAM! Anyways Idon't really have anything to say right now so just enjoy I guess!
##Malia's P.O.V.##
     Adia. Nice name for a 14 year old genius. She said she'll help us escape. I highly doubt it, no offense Adia, but we have to try. In the meantime, I have to see if Carter can read minds.

    "Carter!" I call quietly to the cell across from me, "It's me Malia!" I see his face appear behind the bars. "Malia?" I nod, and he pushes his arm through the bars towards me. I grab his hand and realize he's shaking.

     "Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" He demands, looking me over. Why did he ask? Does he care about me? Ha, I doubt it. "I'm fine," I say, squeezing his hand, "And I found Cam." His eyes light up. "You did? Where is he?" "In here," I say, looking back at him, "He's currently unconscious."

      I look back to see Carter's eyes wide. "Is he ok?" He asks, peering into my cell. "Do you want me to answer honestly?" I ask him. He frowns, his eyes filling with worry. "No."

      "Can I at least see him?" He asks. I nodd, letting go of his hand. I crawl back over to Cameron, who's still out cold. I put my hands under his armpits and pull him up so his backs against my chest, his head back on my shoulder. I look over at Carter to see his jaw clenched, his eyes cold. "What?" I ask him as I slump back against the wall, putting my arms around Cam. "Nothing," Carter replies, looking down. "He looks awful." "I know. The Block did this to him I think." He raises an eyebrow. "The Block? Do you even know what that is?" "No. Do you?" He shakes his head.

      "How's Taylor?" I ask, looking behind Carter into the cell. "Better," he replies, "He's sleeping now. What were you talking to that girl about?" Crap, I forgot to tell him!       "OhmygodCartershe'samazingshegavemebackmyphoneandshesgonnagetyusoutofhereohmygod!!!!" I say really fast, out of breath. "Woah woah woah what?" He asked, holding up his hands. I took a deep breath and said, "That girl is our way out." His jaw dropped. "What? How?" I heard footsteps coming down the hall so I held a finger to my lips and moutjed, "pretend to be asleep!" He nodded quickly and slumped back against the wall.

     Wow he really does look asleep! I thought as I closed my eyes, tightening my arms around Cam. I hear the footsteps get louder, and someone stops outside the cell door."Woah, Cam, you got yourself a lady!" A familiar voice said. I clench my jaw, biting back a comeback. Your supposed to be sleeping, I tell myself, so look like it!

         "And then there's the Banshee," the voice says. I hear the person turn away from the cell so I open my eyes, seeing the one I didn't want to see. Johnson. (A/N johnson's amazing don't get me wrong, I just needed another bad guy so he came up. Sorry!) He was staring intently at Carter, a wicked gleam in his eye. "Once Nash clears it I get to have you to experiment on," he says to Carter, "Just wait till then." With that, he gets up and leaves.

        "Banshee?" Carter asks, sitting up. I shrug, making Cam's head flop of my shoulder. I gently push him off me and crawl back over to the cell door, reaching my hand through the bars to Carter again. He grabs it, placing his chin on the bars.

        "Carter," I say, looking deep into his eyes, "Tell me about the voices." His eyes widen in suprise. "How do you know about that?" "Taylor." I reply. He frowns, rolling his eyes. "He cant keep his mouth shut, can he?" I laugh, which is suprising since im currently in a cell. "Well anyway, there are voices in my head that warn me of dangers and people, and they give me a bad feeling whenever Taylor's about to get hurt. And sometimes, they get so overwhelming that my body just shuts down."

       Sounds like a Banshee to me. "Carter, your definetly a Banshee." He looks at me, confused. "What even is a Banshee?" "Well, it's a spirit  that worns people of death and bad things. Usually they're female..." "Wait, female? I'm a GIRL?" I roll my eyes. "I said usually, not always. Now shut up and let me talk. You've got to be careful on who you tell, because Banshee's are very valuable and rare. Let's keep this our little secret, ok?" He nodds, squeezing my hand. The motion sends shivers up my arm, making goosebumps appear on my arms.

        I quickly let go of Carter's hand and stand up, begining to pace. I grab my phone from where it was hidden and pull up one of my contacts: Aria. I text her, "I'm ok Aria, dont send anyone to find me. Call Leya and text me back when you get this. Guess who I found" and hit send before i can stop myself. "What are you doing?" Carter asks me. "Shh, take care of Taylor," i shoot back, "People are listening." He seemed to get the hint and disapeared from view.

        Almost immedietly after i send the text i got a reply:

(M-Malia, A-Aria)

A-Malia where are you? Are you ok? Come home please!

M-I can't im currently in a dungeon but dont worry, i have a plan to get out. Keep your phone on you at all times, and dont send anyone looking for me. Where are you?

A-I'm with Leya and some friends. Who did you find?

M-Aria, your not going to blieve this, but I've found Taylor.

(End Of Texts)


Hey y'all! Please do me a favor and check out my new story Unwanted! I need some characters for it bad so if you could comment ideas it would be amazing! Thanks, love y'all,


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