Gray Wolf Pt. 3 + Escape Pt. 2

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Hey y'all! This is kind of 2 parts combined so yeah. Anyway please enjoy.
##Leya's  P.O.V.##
( Italics is the voice, bold is Leya, normal is back to the story)
    Hello Leya, i'm glad I could finally meet you.

    What? Who are you?
    I am Kaia, your wolf.
     My wolf?
    Yes, now listen to me if you want to survive. You must concentrate on the pain, think of becoming me. A picture of a beautiful gray wolf fills my mind. Think of me, Leya. Now!
    I do as she says, focusing on the picture in my mind. For a second the pain becomes unbearable, and I let out a scream, but it no longer sounds human, it sounds wolf-like.

    All the pain in my body suddenly stops cold. I realize my eyes are shut, so I open them. My vision was green and blurry, but when I blinked my vision cleared. (Although it was still green) I see Kian in front of me, staring in awe, along with Ricky and Jc. Where Connor was stood a sand colored wolf, and where Arrow was stood a brown wolf with  purple streaks in her fur (AN hey I'm sorry whoever made Arrow but I forgot what ur wolf looked like I think her wolf's name is Ava but I'm not sure so I'm picking another name).

   So, this is the pack? Kaia asks.

    Yup, I reply. How do I talk to them?
     Just talk.
(L-Leya, A-Arrow, J-Jc, K-Kian, R-Ricky, C-Connor)
    L- Um why are you guys staring at me?
    R- You, your wolf's beautiful!
    C- Yeah, seriously, she's amazing!
     J-What's her name?
    L- Her name's Kaia. What are your wolf's names?

     R- Mine's Nuntis.
     C- Lowell.
      J- Maccon.
      A- Her name's Felan.
      K- And mine's is Bodolf.
      L- Nuntis? Maccon? Do those mean something?
      J- Yeah, each of our names mean something in another language. For instance, Maccon (AN haha sounds like Magcon kind of) stands for "Son of a wolf" in Celtic.
    C- Lowell stands for "wolf cub" in Old French.
    R- Nuntis stands for "Sun Wolf" in Latin.
    K- Bodolf stands for "wolf leader" in Norse.
    A- Felan stands for "small wolf" in Celtic.
    L- Well what does my name stand for?
    Nothing, I don't think. Kaia tells me.
     L- Oh, nothing, never mind.
  (End of mind link)

  (AN now whenever they mind link again it's just going to look like they're talking)

     Kian crawled over to me and unlocked my paws and hind legs, saying, "Stretch your legs for a moment. Now when the pack's in wolf for you must call them by their wolf names." Within a minute he changed into a big black wolf who I'm guessing is Bodolf, Ricky changed into a yellow/tan wolf, Nuntis, and Jc turned into Maccon, a red/brown wolf. By now Lowell and Felan were unchained, so Bodolf called us into a circle.

      "Alright guys," he said, "Tonight is a special night, for it's Kaia's first hunt!" The whole pack erupted into howls, which I gladly joined. Bodolf continued, "Now everyone's part wring up again, but this time Felan is with me. Maccon, you've got your pup." Maccon gives me a toothy grin, which Kaia returns. "Alright, everyone's allowed one small deer, nothing more, but the two of you may get a large deer if you share. Got it?" The pack nods in response. "Ok," Bodolf smiles, "Everyone, go!"

##Malia's P.O.V.##

     I stand there in disbelief as Matt slams a chair into Shawn's head, making him fall to the ground, unconscious. "He's only a newborn," Matt says, looking at Adia's worried face, "So that should keep him out for a bit until his sire finds him." He walks over to Taylor and tries to unlock his hands, but Taylor finches away. Why is he trying to help?

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