Chapter 1: Broken Heart

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Third Person POV
A teenager in a black shirt with a red trench coat. Sat by himself reading a book while a sword is attached to his back and a revolver sitting in its holster at his side. He was sitting on a bench with a book in his hand until 2 girls suddenly came up to him.

???: Are you Y/N?

Y/N: Yes. What is it?
He said, lowering his book.

???: My name is Cinder Falls.

???: MY name is Emerald Sustrai.

Y/N: Can I help you two with something?

Cinder: Uh. W-we've been t-thinking about you for a-awhile.

Y/N: What are you talking about?

Emerald: W-W-We were wondering if you wanted to go out with us?
She said with a slight blush.

Y/N stares off into the sky for a little bit and looks back at them.

Y/N: Sure.

Cinder and Emerald smile and hug him.

Cinder: We're looking forward to be with you.

Y/N: How wrong I was when I thought I could love.



I'm currently walking to the two girls that made my life great. Cinder and Emerald. As I walked to their dorm I thought how long we have been together although I was curious. We haven't been seeing each other for a while now. I continued walking to their dorm but as I got closer, I heard moans. As I got closer I heard the moans were coming from their dorm. I leaned in closer and heard them. I felt my heart stop and my blood burn.

Cinder: Oh yeah *moans* Mercury! F*ck me!

Mercury: What about Y/N?

Cinder: Forget him! I got you right here!

Emerald: I just hope he doesn't find out.

I felt my blood boil up. I kicked the door opened and walked in as they covered themselves up.

"WHY!" I yelled as I looked at them.

Cinder: Because we never loved you. We just wanted to use you.

Cinder then gets up and starts to form a fireball in her hand. She prepares to throw it at me but I used my semblance.


My semblance activates and the fireball in her hands fades.

Cinder: What did you do to me!

"Semblance." I said coldly.

Mercury got up and tried to punch me. I ducked and kneed him in the gut and round house kicked him into the wall. I walked up to Mercury and pulled out my pistol and aimed at his head.

Emerald: Y-Y/N. P-Please S-Stop

I turned and looked at her with anger and hatred in my eyes.

"I don't care about you all. And I hope I get to be the one that kills you both."

I walked out of the room. As I got out of the room I started sprinting. I ran and ran until I got out of the damn school. As I ran I came across RWBY and JNPR.

RWBY: Y/N? Where are you running off to!

Mini time-skip

I ran and ran until I felt myself collapsed onto the ground. I fell onto my knees and I clenched onto my weapons.

"I should have known that they'll do this to me. I don't care about them. Not anymore." I said with venom.


I turned around as I heard a bush rustle behind me. I pulled out my pistols in my hands. Then 20 beowolfs showed up.

"Good. Now come and kill me." I said.

10 of the beowolves charged at me. I aimed and killed 8 of them and I pulled out my sword and slashed through them. I turned around and I slashed through the others. I quickly fell to a knee from running. I struggled to get up as a beowolf pounced on to me. My guns fell to the side as I held my sword between me and the grimm, preventing it from chewing my head off. I struggled to get it off of me as it chewed on my sword. Suddenly I heard a gunshot.


The beowolf suddenly disintegrated. I slowly got up and looked behind me.

???: Surprising to find you out here. What are you doing out here?

 What are you doing out here?

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A/N: I don't own this!


???: Why is a group of girls trying to look for you then.

"Why are you out here?"

???: Looking for a target. Why?

"I want to come back home."

???: I'll bring you back. Let's go.

Blake's POV

We searched everywhere for him but we couldn't find him.

"You guys found him yet?"

Ruby: No!

Yang: Nothing over here!

Weiss: No. Why can't we leave him! He'll find a way back.

Ruby: We can't leave him either. He is our friend.

I kept searching for him until I heard something. I chose to go after it. As I got closer and closer I saw 2 people. A man in armor and Y/N. I walked to them but the one in armor turned and pointed his gun at me. I pulled out my sword but Y/N lowered his gun.

Y/N: She is a friend.

???: Best we get out of here.

"Y-Y/N? W-Why are you out here?"

Y/N: You could ask Cinder and Emerald that.

I shivered at how his voice was. Emotionless. Devoid of life.

???: Its best we get going.
He said as he throws a smoke bomb. I coughed as the smoke surrounded me. I kept coughing until the smoke disperses. I looked around but I couldn't find him. I fell to my knees as tears slowly formed.

"Y-Y-Y/N. P-Please don't leave. Y-You're m-my only f-f-friend."


???: So you're coming back. Why?

"Prefer to be home. With my family."

???: What about those that care for you?

"What about them"

???: Aren't they going to miss you?

"Not like I had any friends."

???: You need to loosen up you know.

"Whatever "father".

Well here is chapter 1 of Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake Belladonna.

Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now