Chapter 5: Confrontation

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Leah's POV 

I felt myself go into his memories and I landed in front of a small house. 

"It's beautiful."  I said as I looked at the house. 

???: AHHH! Y/N run! AHHH! 

I heard screams come from the house.  I ran through to the house and ran through the door. The sight in front of me now is horrifying. A little boy being held down as two women were being raped in front of him. 

Little Y/N: Mommy! S/N! 

I covered my mouth as I watched the horrible sight in front of me. I felt tears run down my face as I watched the event continue. Then the two men that were hurting the two women pulled out their guns and shot them through the head. Then they pointed their guns at the boy. I ran in front of them and they shot. I didn't feel pain but when I turned around I saw the boy laying on the ground as blood surrounded him. I fell onto my knees as I watched the little boy die. 

"I am so sorry Y/N." 
I said as I knelt in front of him. 


I turn to my left and I see another man but in different clothing this time. I watched him as he slowly walked towards the boy. He knelt in front of Y/N and held him in his arms. 

???: Don't worry little one. I'll train you and help you hunt them down. 

???: Commander Death-Gun. What do we do with the two girls and the man? 

Death-Gun: Bury them. They deserve a proper burial. 

???: Yes sir! 

I watched as two men enter the house and they carry the two dead women and the man as Death-Gun carry Y/N away. Then the background started to change. 

Scene Change 

I saw that I was in a compound. 

???: Come on Y/N! Quicker! 

I heard someone yell. I turned around and I saw that Y/N was in a tank top and black cargo pants as he had a sword in his hand. He swung his sword at the stranger and he blocked. The stranger blocked it and kicked Y/N away from him. 

???: Come at me like you want me dead! Like all the murderers that killed you family! 

Y/N then charged at him as he graze the ground with his sword, causing the sword to go aflame as he charged at him. 


He swung his sword at the stranger. The stranger blocked the attack but his sword was cut in half as Y/N's blade went through. The stranger backs up and surrenders. 

???: You're pretty good. Let's go grab a drink. What do GAH! 

He was launched through the wall as Y/N stood there as he had a black aura surrounding him. He charges at the stranger but is stopped by someone in black armor. 

Y/N: Get out of my way Death-Gun! 

Death-Gun: You need to calm down. 
He said coldly. 

Y/N: Get out of my way! I won't say it again! 

Death-Gun: And you need to calm down. 

Y/N: I'll kill anyone that speaks of them! 

Death-Gun: What about me then. 

Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now