Chapter 14: Reunion

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Third Person POV 

It's been a few days since Leah confessed to Y/N. He accepted her feelings. Ever since then, Blake and Leah have been around Y/N a lot more. Y/N felt.....grateful for having them in his life. Blake and Leah were happy to have him in their life. Throughout their time together, their feelings grew. Yes they saw him as cold hearted killer but saw him more human because of his love. The love for his family motivating him to crack down on the sex traffickers and kidnappers. Despite all of his flaws, Blake and Leah loved him more. Now, Blake and Leah are snuggling with Y/N in his bed. 

Y/N's POV 

I slowly woke up as I felt two sets of arms tug onto my arms. I got up and saw the two people that I loved. Leah and Blake Belladonna. Seeing these two always made me smile. I slowly got up, making sure to not wake them up. I walked to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. After doing that, I walked out of the bathroom to get my red trench coat and blue jeans on. After putting on my clothes, I grabbed Blue Rose and Red Queen, leaving the others in my room under the bed. I walked out of the room, heading somewhere else. 

Blake's POV 

I slowly woke up as I heard the door close. I got up and saw that Y/N was gone. I saw Red Queen and Blue Rose gone. I got into my white pants and black top. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. After doing that, I ran out of the room following where Y/N was going. 

Mini-Time skip Third Person POV 

Y/N arrived in Vale, unaware that Blake is following him. He walked down the street as Blake slowly followed him. 

Blake: Where is he going? 
She asked herself. 

Y/N kept walking until he came to a flower shop while Blake watched from across the street. 

Blake: Is he seeing someone? 
She asked herself, thinking her beloved boyfriend is cheating on her and Leah. As she stood there, he walked out of the store heading towards a certain direction. Blake slowly followed Y/N until he reached a grave. Blake slowly followed him into the graveyard and saw 3 people at a tomb. Blake gasped as she covered her mouth, standing there in shock seeing what was in front of her. 

There she saw Vergil, a blonde lady, and a man in a dark red trench coat. 

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Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now