Chapter 15: A Lovely Night(Lemon)

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I held Blake as we walked into the room while our lips stayed connected. I felt her arms around my neck as our kiss deepened. I fell onto the bed with her underneath me as our lips stayed connected. I felt her hands grabbing my shirt and lifting it off. She tosses my shirt over to the side as I slowly undid her button shirt, revealing her black bra.


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Blake: D-Don't stare.
She said as she covered her breast.

"They're beautiful."
I said as I brought her in closer.

Blake: R-Really?

"Of course."

I kissed her breast, making her moan as she covered her mouth.

Blake: N-Not too rough. L-Leah will h-hear us.
She said, covering her mouth.

"I'll be gentle."
I said into her ear.

I reached behind her and undid her bra, revealing her breast. I sucked on her left breast as I massaged her right, making her moan while she covered her mouth, muffling her moans. I continued to suck on her tits until she brought me face to face with her and smashed her lips on mine. I grabbed her ass, pulling closer as she moaned into the kiss. As we kissed, I felt my pants getting tighter as I kissed her neck, leading down to her breast. As I laid kisses along her body, I felt her hand undo my pants until we heard a gasp. We both looked and saw Leah as her face was dark red.

Leah: O-O-Oh.
She said as she slowly looked away.

I looked at Blake and she smirked. She got up and grabbed Leah. Leah yelped as Blake got her closer.

Leah: W-W-What are you doing?
She asked as Blake sat behind her.

Blake: Giving you a reward.
She said as she slowly undid Leah's sleep wear. I watched as Blake undid her bra, revealing her breast.

Blake: A reward for bringing my best friend back.
She said as she motioned me to come closer. I got closer to Leah as she looked at me.

Leah: I-It's my first time.
She said, hesitant about what's going to happened next.

"I'll be gentle."
I said as I laid kisses along her body. I kissed her on the lips as I felt her hands touch my chest. While kissing her, I felt Blake rub her breast against my beck as Leah wrapped her arms around my neck, deepening our kiss. I held Leah close until I felt her pull me down, hovering above her. Leah looked at me and smashed her lips against mine. I felt her hold close as our kiss deepened. As my lips stayed connected to hers, I felt Blake wrapping her hand around my member. I groaned into the kiss as Blake continued to play with my member. Before I knew it, Leah flipped us over with her on top.

Leah: I want to be the one that rewards you.
She said as she knelt in front of my cock.

Leah: I never thought you'll be this big.
She said as she held onto my member.

Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now