Chapter 17: Personal Reminders

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Third Person POV

It's been a couple of days since Death's Messenger and Death-Gun saved Leah. Death's Messenger has been watching over Y/N, watching over the only other person that is blood related to her. However she has been feeling different recently. She has been keeping an eye of Mercury, Neo, Salem, Cinder, and Emerald. Watching out if they plan on hurting Blake or Leah.

To Death's Messenger

The two mercenaries were in the hideout while they were training together. Death-Gun shot his gun at Death's Messenger but she dodged it.

Death-Gun: Impressive as always.

Death's Messenger: You're slower than usual.

Death-Gun: No. I'm not.
He said as he shot his gun at her once again.

Death's Messenger pulls out her sword and slashes the bullet in half.

Death-Gun: Damn you and your sword.
He said as he aimed his gun at her.

Death's Messenger: You rely too much on your gun.
She said as she sheathed her sword.

Death-Gun: Then about we spar for a bit.
He said as he laid his gun on the ground and put his fist up.

Death's Messenger places her sword on the ground and puts her fist up as well. The two mercenaries stood in front of each other, ready to fight each other.

Death-Gun: If I win, you owe me food for the next few days.

Death's Messenger: If I win, I get to mess around with your sniper.

Death-Gun: Deal.

Death-Gun throws his fist at her and she dodges. He keeps on throwing punches left and right until Death's Messenger catches his fist. Death-Gun throws a knee but Death's Messenger kicks his feet, making him fall to the ground.

Death-Gun gets back up as he holds his fist close while Death's Messenger held her hands close to her chest. He throws a kick and she blocks it. He throws another but is kicked in the chest. He stumbles back as he holds his chest.

Death-Gun: You've definitely got better.
He said as he got back into his stance.

Death's Messenger smiles at his compliment. She throws a kick and Death-Gun throws a kick, blocking hers. The two mercenaries both throw a punch and their fists clashes together.

Death's Messenger smirks as she sees Death-Gun panting heavily.

Death's Messenger: Come on now. You can do better than that.

Death-Gun: You're the one using a sword while I use a sniper.

Death's Messenger throws a kick and it knocks Death-Gun on the ground.

Death's Messenger: Maybe you should try it sometime.
She said as she held her hand out. Death-Gun grabs her hand and gets up.

Death-Gun: Now you can try my sniper.
He whined, losing the bet to Death's Messenger.

Death's Messenger: Maybe later. I'm going to take a shower.
She said before leaving the room with the sword.

Death-Gun: Well you are called Death's Messenger for a reason.
He said to her.

To Death's Messenger

The assassin walked down the hall until she reached a door. She opened the door and walked in. She places her sword on the bed as she starts to take off her armor. She takes off her armor and walks into the shower. She walks into the bathroom and sees a photo with name on it.

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