Chapter 10: Confession

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Last Chapter 

"It's okay. Everything is going to be okay." 

"I'll always be here for you......................................Y/N." 

Next Chapter! 

Third Person POV 

It's been a few days since the incident with Leah. Ever since then. Death-Gun and Death's Messenger has been keeping an eye on Y/N. The two mercenaries kept a lookout on his activities to make sure he doesn't go on a killing spree. Ever since Cinder, Mercury, Salem, and Neo have been avoiding Y/N. Afraid of seeing what he nearly did to them. Mercury barely survived the stab wound when Y/N stabbed him through the upper chest with his HF blade. Salem was put into the ER from the wounds she earned. Cinder on the other hand was traumatized. Seeing how the boy she cheated on has truly changed. From someone being quiet to someone who is skillful. More skillful than some of the upper class man. Only to be stopped by two mercenaries, Goodwitch, and Ozpin. 

Y/N's POV 

I slowly woke up as I felt someone running their hand through my hair. I looked up and it was Leah. 

Leah: Hey Y/N. 
She said with a soft smile. 

"Hey Leah. How are you feeling?" 
I asked as I sat up. 

Leah: Feeling a little better........*Stomach growls* And hungry. 
She said as she blushed. 

"Want me to grab food for you?" 

Leah: I'll like that. 

I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the room, heading to the cafeteria to grab food for Leah. 

Leah's POV 

I saw Y/N walk out with his weapons leaving me alone in the room. I still felt my wounds. I slowly lifted my arm and I saw the scars across them. A slash across my arm and I felt my shoulder still in pain. As I thought of this, I felt my heart warm. I placed my hand over it as I thought of him. 

"Thank you Y/N." 

Suddenly I heard the door open again and I looked. I saw it was Blake as she walked in and stood by me. 

"Hey Blake." 

Blake: Hey Leah. How are you feeling? 

"Feeling a little better." 

Blake: Where's Y/N? 
She asked. 

"Getting me food from the cafeteria." 

Blake: Oh. 
She said as she looked at the floor awkwardly. 

"Blake? What's wrong?" 

Blake: It's just.....

"It's just what?" 

Blake: It's just that ever since the incident. Y/N has never left this room. 
She said as she looked at me. 

I asked, shocked seeing that Y/N cares. 

Blake nods. 

Blake: Well. I better get going. I hope you feel better. 
She said. 


She stops and looks at me.

"Thank you." 

Blake smiles and walks out of the room, leaving me to think to myself. 

"I'm glad I've met him." 

To Y/N Third Person POV 

Y/N walked into the cafeteria. As he stepped foot into the cafeteria everyone looked at him. They all looked at him with fear as he continued to mind his business. 

Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now