Chapter 12: A Devil's Wrath (Lemon)

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Blake's POV

I slowly woke up as I felt the cold air breeze against me. I slowly woke up and I saw Yang, Ruby, and Weiss stripped all out of their clothes. I looked down and I cover myself as I saw that I was stripped.

???: Well. Well. Well. Looks like the fresh meat is awake.

I looked up and I saw 12 men staring at us with eyes full of lust.

"W-W-What d-d-do you want?"
I asked out of fear.

???: What does it look like.
The men walked towards us as they slowly unbuckled their belt.

???: Why don't we deal with the red hair.
He said as he pointed towards Ruby.

Yang: Don't you dare touch my sister!
She said as she tried to get up.

???: Oh. She's your sweet sister. This will be more fun.
He said as he slowly approached Ruby. I watched Ruby struggle to move as she was tied down.

Ruby: Y-Yang.
She called out to her sister.

Yang: Don't worry Ruby! Everything will be alright!
She said, trying to reassure her sister.

???: Oh. It's going to be fun.
He said as he reached to touch Ruby's body.

She screamed as she tried to kick the man away.

???: Ah! You bitch.
He yelled. He grabbed her and pinned her to the ground and started to unbuckle his pants.

Yang/Weiss: RUBY!
They screamed.


Suddenly there was a gunshot and the man fell over as blood splattered the walls.

???: What the fuck happened!
One yelled as the others scrambled. As they were looking around in confusion a blue portal opened and a man with a sword came through.

???: Well. Well. Well. What do we have here? A group of rapists and sex traffickers. Just like the ones that killed S/N.

I sat there in shock as I saw the man with a katana as he held a guy that was no longer than 20

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I sat there in shock as I saw the man with a katana as he held a guy that was no longer than 20.

???: Let go of my son!
One of the traffickers yelled.

???: Sure.
He said as he let go of the man. Suddenly a sword came through his body. The boy fell to the floor as the man took his sword out of his body.

???: NO!
The trafficker yelled. He ran at the man in black but was suddenly kicked down. My eyes widen as I saw the person that kicked him down.


Y/N shifted his sniper into his twin pistols.

Y/N: I must say. You have a lot of nerve to kidnap my friends and lover.
He said with venom.

Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now