Chapter 9: Another Mercenary

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Third Person POV 

It's been a 2 weeks since Blake and Y/N had their moment together. Blake has been spending her time with Y/N as she developed feelings for him. Y/N had kept their moment a secret, thinking its for the best to keep it that way. Right now they're sitting at lunch with team RWBY and JNPR. 

Y/N is sitting with them as Blake sat in front of him while Leah sat next to him. While Y/N was eating his lunch, Blake stared at him as her heart went warm as she kept staring at him. Leah looked at her and smiles, knowing how Blake feels. 

Nora: So there we were in the middle of the night it was day. We were surrounded by Ursai. 

Ren: They were Beowolves. 


Ren: Two of them. 

Nora: But they were no match. And in the end, Ren and I took them down and made boatlod of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs. 

Ren: Ah. She's been having this reoccuring dream for nearly a month now. 

While Nora kept talking Blake laid her head onto Y/N's shoulder as he ate his food. Leah looked at Y/N with a small smile, knowing he is at least comfortable. 


The bell rings signaling that lunch is over. 

Y/N: Oh great. Oobleck's. 
He complains. 

Blake: Well let's go so we won't get in trouble. 
She said as she gets up. Y/N started walking with Blake, leaving the others at the table as they stared at the two walking off. 

Pyrrha: They're cute together. 
She said as she saw Blake walking with Y/N. 

Yang: That's for sure. 
She said as they all started walking to Oobleck's. 

Leah's POV 

It's been 2 weeks since Y/N came back. I'm glad he is being.....himself.  After revealing his past to everyone seems that they all got closer to him. I'm just glad he is back. We all reached Oobleck's class and sat down. I saw Blake leaning her head on Y/N's shoulder as he read a book. I looked at the book. I smiled at him as he continue to read. I reached into my bag and tried to find a book I've been reading about. I looked through my bag but couldn't find it. 

"Damn it. It's back at the dorm." 
I said to myself. 

Ruby: Leah. What's wrong? 

"Oh it's nothing. Just forgot a book I always carry with me." 

Ruby: Want me to go get it for you? 

"No. No. It's okay." 
I told her. 

Ruby: Okay. 
She said as she went back to drawing. I looked at Y/N and I felt my heart beat faster as I looked at him. 

"He is so much like me." 
I said to myself. 

"A bookworm." 


Third Person POV 

Oobleck: Yes! yes, prior to the Faunas Revolution. More popularly known as the Faunas War human kind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing faunas population in Menagerie. Now while this mus feel like ancient  history to many of you. is it imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events. Why the repercussions of the uprising can be still seen to this day! Now! Have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your faunas heritage? 

Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now