Chapter 4: Back at Beacon

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Third Person POV

Team RWBY slowly woke up one by one. First Ruby, Yang, Weiss, and then Blake. Blake looks up and notices Y/N is gone. She looks around worried, thinking he might have left again. Her team mates notice this and looked at her, confused.

Ruby: Blake. What's wrong?

Blake: Where's Y/N?

RWY: Blake. He's been gone for two months now.

Blake then catches a smell in the air. She sniffs it and it smells like food.

Blake: Is it just me or does it smell like food?

The others looked at her weird but soon got the idea. They all got up and all went to the kitchen. They all entered the kitchen and saw food on the table.

Ruby: Who did think cooked this?

???: That would be me.

They all turned around and there they saw him.

They said with shock as their eyes widen.

Y/N: Hey guys.
He said as he looked at them.

They all ran at him and tackled him onto the ground. They all hugged him tight as tears slowly rolled down their eyes.

Ruby: I-I-I *sobs* missed you.
She said, crying.

Y/N: I've missed you too.
He said, hugging her.

Weiss: Where were you! You dolt!
She yelled at him as tears came down. She hugged him tight as he hugged her back.

Yang: Don't scare us like that again!
She yelled at him as she hugged him. They all get off of him and sat at the table. They all started eating while Y/N gathered his stuff. His duel-wield pistols on each side of his hips. Blue Rose behind him on his rear. Red Queen strapped across his back. His HF blade hanging off his side. He sat down as team RWBY ate their food. He took his HF blade out of its sheath and started sharpening it. Blake kept staring at him while he was sharpening his sword. Y/N set Blue Rose and Red Queen on the side as he sharpened his HF blade.


I sat on the couch as I sharpened the HF blade my master gave me. He was the one that trained me. Made me who I am today. Without him, Death-Gun, and the others I wouldn't have made it.


I held my sword in my hand as my teacher stood in front of me.

Master: Well Y/N. Here is the last test. Take me out. Use any means necessary. Cut me down.

I nodded. I charged at him and slashed at him. He catches the blade with his hands and knocks me down. He jumps at me and tries to stomp onto me. I rolled out of the way and got up. He charged at me and punched my jaw. I staggered back as I felt immense pain. I held my jaw as I stood there.

Master: Come on. You can't hunt down your family's murderers if you can't get past me.

I charged at him again and slashed at him. He ducked and dodged all of my swings until I kicked him. He was knocked back and he chuckles.

Master: Good. Much better. But not good enough.
He said as he pulled out his HF sword.

He charged at me and slashed vertically at me. I side-stepped and slashed at him again. I swung at him but he blocked my attack.

Master: Predictable. You need to be faster. Smarter.

I started to get annoyed and I dropped my sword. As soon it hit the ground I pulled out my duel-wields shooting him with non-lethals. As he dodged, I threw a electrical dust vial at him and shot it. Then he was stunned and I charged at him. My fist connected to his face and was knocked onto the ground. I stood there panting as I watched him. He slowly got up and chuckles.

Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now