Chapter 6: His Never Ending Rage

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Third Person POV

Blake kept thinking about her best friend. The one that understood her. Y/N. She kept thinking about him. Seeing what he did to Mercury. Leaving him nothing but another body in his wake. She looks to see Cinder and Emerald. She sees Cinder's face full of fear as she looks at Mercury broken body. Emerald's face full of tears and sadness as she stared at the ground. She sees Salem and Neo trying to comfort her.

Goodwitch: Well class. T-That's it for now. Class is over.

Everyone walks out of the room, leaving the room almost empty. The only ones that stayed were Blake, Leah, and Goodwitch. Blake walks over to Leah as she stared at the ground in disbelief.

Blake: Leah?

Leah looks up at Blake and puts on a fake smile.

Leah: H-Hey Blake. What is it?

Blake: You thinking about him?

Leah: What makes you say that?

Blake: Because you've been staring at the ground for the past 10 minutes.

Leah: *sighs* I guess you can say that.

Blake: Say what?

Leah: Say that I've been thinking about him. His pain. His nightmares.

Blake: Are you talking about his family?

Leah: Yes. I am talking about them.

Blake: How do you know this?
She asked out of concern.

Leah: Y/N. Told me about them when we met.

Blake: Why would he do that?

Leah: I kind of went through his memories but he showed me all what happened.

Blake: Oh.

Leah: So is that what you wanted to talk to me about?

Blake: No. I came to see if you knew where Y/N went.

Leah: He said he'll be at our dorm. I just I'll check now.
She said as she stands up. Leah walks out of the classroom and goes to her dorm as Blake follows her. They reach her dorm and she knocks.

Leah: Y/N? Are you in there?
She said as she knocked again.

Leah: Y/N?

Blake: Let me do it.
She said as Leah moves out of the way. She takes out a needle and picks the lock.

Leah: When did you learn that?

Blake: I do this to sneak into Y/N's room.

Leah: Not like that's awkward.

Blake finishes picking the lock and the door opens. Blake and Leah head inside to only see an empty room.

Blake/Leah: Y/N?
They both called out, not receiving an answer.

Leah: Maybe he's in the bathroom.
She suggested. Blake walks to the bathroom and opens the door, revealing the room was empty.

Blake: He's not in there as well.

Leah: I'll go to Ozpin.
She said. Blake was about to walk out of the room with Leah until she notices covering some type of paper. She looks at it confusingly. She slowly walks to it and lifts the cover revealing something. She gasps at it as she saw what it was.

Blake's POV

As soon I lifted the cover I saw many things that shocked me and brought me the verge of tears.

Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now