Chapter 18: The Phantom Of The Past

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Third Person POV

It's been two weeks since Blake was impregnanted. Ever since Y/N has been spending a lot of time with her. Especially when she eats a lot more than usual. Leah has been taking care of Blake when Y/N goes out to pay for the stuff. Ozpin and Goodwitch give them their paperwork for the days they've missed. Due to this, the three were able to get their classes up. Right now Y/N is in Vale, buying food and water for Blake.

To Y/N

Y/N was walking out of the door of the store after buying a packs of tuna.

Y/N: That was a lot of shopping.
He said as he started walking back to the bullhead. As he walked, all he heard was the cars and the breeze that hit his skin as his trench coat hung in the air. While walking, he felt someone watching him. Out of instinct, he reached for Blue Rose. Suddenly he felt a cold blade against his throat.

???: I wouldn't do that now.
He heard someone's voice as he felt the knife against his throat. As he stood there, he saw 3 other men with him as the 4th one held a knife to his throat.

Thug #3: Give all your shit and we let you live.
He demanded.

Y/N looked at him dead in the eyes as he stood there.


Y/N fell to the ground as he dropped the stuff.

Thug #2: Didn't you hear us motherfucker!
The other yelled as he picked Y/N up. As Y/N got up, he saw something that looked familiar to him. Y/N looked at the necklace and remembered what it was. This made his blood boil as he remembered who it belonged to.


Thug #2: Motherfucker! Hand us over the stuff or I'll kill you!
He said as he held a gun to Y/N's head.

The thugs held Y/N tight as the thug held the gun to his head, ready to pull the trigger.

Y/N: Where did you get that.
He said with venom.

Thug #2: No one special. Just some hot chick with black hair and a nice ass. Right boys?

Thugs: Yeah!

Y/N: Then you must remember me.
He said with a grin slowly forming.

Thug #2: No. I don't.

Y/N: Don't remember the girl screaming for her brother's name.

The thugs looked at him for a couple of seconds until one of their eyes widen.

Thug #1: I-It can't be.

Y/N: Thank you for robbing me.


Y/N: Because now. I can finally avenge her.
He said as he grabbed Blue Rose and Red Queen.

Thug #4: Come on then!
One yelled.

Y/N rushed at him as the thug pulled out a knife. The thug went to stab Y/N but Y/N grabbed the knife and stabbed it into the thug's shoulder.

Thug #4: AHHH!
He screamed as he tried to grab the knife out. Y/N broke his hands and stepped on the knife, sending the knife deeper into the shoulder. One thug grabbed Y/N and put Y/N into a choke hold. Y/N reached for his HF blade and pulled the trigger. The recoil sent them both into the ground. Y/N crushed the thug under the weight of the HF sword. Y/N got up and stabbed him in the stomach. The two remaining thugs all looked at him with fear as he looked at them. With nothing but rage. Five years worth of rage. Not sadness. Rage.

The two remaining thugs tried to run but were also brought down. Y/N shot their knee caps, disabling them to run further. As the they tried to crawl away, they were pulled by their injured leg.

Cheater Emerald/Cinder X Male Reader X Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now