Chapter 19: Big Sister and Little Brother

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A/N: I don't own this song or video! Start playing now! 

Last chapter! 

???: My little Y/N 

"I-It can't be." 

Next Chapter! 

Third Person POV 

Y/N stood in front of the one person in front of him as he had tears rolling down his cheeks. 

Y/N: I-I-It's you. 
He said with a hint of sadness in his voice as tears streamed down his face. 

???: Y/N. 
She said with a small smile. 

Y/N stood there in shock. Seeing the one he's been fighting for the last five years. He ran at her and brought her into a tight hug as he cried onto her shoulder. 

Y/N: I-I-I-I-It's you.
He said as he cried onto the girl's shoulder. 

???: It's okay. Little brother. 
She said as she brought him into a hug. 

Y/N:  I-I-I-I've missed you..............S/N. 

S/N: I've missed you too. My little Y/N. 
She said as she held him tightly. 

Y/N felt his heart weak. Everything. His heart. His will. Out of everything he's been through, he fell apart in front of her. S/N. His older sister. 

Y/N: I'm *sobs* sorry. 
He cried onto her shoulder. 

S/N rubbed his back as she held him tight. Y/N continues to cry onto her as he remembered every single thing they did together as children. 

Y/N's POV 

I felt every memory flow through my head as I held her in a hug. Her taking me to the ice cream shop. Meeting Dante as they were hanging out at the party. Her saying hi to Vergil and Lady. Her birthday. Her giving me Blue Rose and Red Queen. 

I held tightly onto her as I held her, afraid of losing her again. 

"I-I-I-I'm *sobs* sorry." 

S/N: It's okay. 

"N-N-No. I-I-I-I-I-It's not." 

S/N: It is okay. 
She said, making me look at her. 


S/N: It was never your fault. 
She said as she wiped my tears away. 

S/N: A boy like you shouldn't cry. 
She said with a smile.

As she smiled, I couldn't help but feel everything in me shatter as I remembered that smile perfectly. I felt more tears coming down as I remembered the day she was taken from me. 

Third Person POV 

Y/N continued to hold onto his sister as he cried loudly onto her. S/N hugged her younger brother as she cried as well. 

Y/N: I'm sorry....*sobs*....For not being able to protect you. 
He cried. 

S/N: It's okay. 
She said. 

Y/N: N-N-No. I-I-It isn't! 
He yelled out in anger. Y/N looked at S/N with tears still streaming down his face. 

Y/N: It's my fault. Everything! 
He yelled. In pain. 

Y/N: Because of me. Dad. Mom. Y-Y-You. 
He said as his voice started to break and laid his head on her chest, beginning to break again. 

S/N: It wasn't your fault. 
She said as she made Y/N look at her again. 

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