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Sapphire St. Clair's POV

The nerve of that guy! I thought angrily as I marched out of his office. How dare he do this to me? How dare he bring up the past? Being here I couldn't help to feel that my grandfather somehow slyly staged this encounter with my ex-husband.

I see that I need to have a word with Daniel about this. I have a certain feeling that he had this ridiculous notion in his head that he was forcing me to be in the company of that detestable bastard.

Now that I realized that coming here was a mistake. I should not have accepted this work even though it would have sealed my position in the St. Clair Diamonds if this new branch of our company succeeded abroad. Now I wasn't certain if I could continue to work here knowing full well that I was going under the nose of Loukas Spiridakou. I didn't like the idea of working where every move I made was known to him.

And these parting words a while ago, his words made me shiver down my spine. He claimed if he were to listen with the devil inside him, he would not let me leave this country ever again. Could he do that? I mean, technically if he was a normal person he couldn't keep a foreign woman in his country but we're talking about Loukas Spiridakou one of the most powerful and influential men in Greece. He could probably twist the law in his favor if he wants to.

I shivered again, pushing back the unwanted thoughts out of my head. As far as I was concerned there was nothing that binds us together anymore. We were back to being strangers to one another. Heck, people in Greece have probably forgotten that I was once married to this guy. I was sure that he was just messing with me a while ago.

He didn't mean those words. I reassured myself silently. All I needed to do was to avoid his company during my stay here.

My mobile phone was in my handbag. I fished it out with scowls on my face as I rode the elevator going to the St. Clair store below. "Hello?" I said to the unknown caller ID.

"You forgot your copy of the contract." I heard his familiar voice on the other line.

I closed my eyes, stopping myself from cursing out loud. This guy was testing my patience. "H-How did you get my number?"

"Is that a serious question, Sapphire?"

I took several steady breaths. Of course not, there's nothing he wants that he couldn't get. He had told me that when we were just dating how can I forget that? "What do you want?"

"I told you, you forgot your copy of our contract in my office." He said in his deep voice that made me quiver. My mind couldn't help but remember that deep voice murmuring Greek endearments in my ears before we went to sleep in the past.

"I glared at my reflection on the elevator. I wasn't sure where the glare was directed—to me who was remembering my past with him when I promised myself I would forget those memories after our divorce—or to him who was being impossible and kept on annoying me since the night of the charity ball. "Don't tell me that you are expecting me to come back to your office just to pick them up?"


"In your dreams!" I practically shouted the same moment the elevator reached the lobby. Several heads turned in my direction with questioning looks. I could feel the heat that spread through my cheeks as I fastened my walk towards the St. Clair Diamonds. "Just tell your secretary to bring them to our store."

I heard him exhale deeply. "She's busy as of the moment. She needs to finish finalizing our other contracts, that's why."

Shocked registered in my face. He was impossible. I still don't know why I am still talking to him. "Then just ask one of your employees, for goodness' sake! You are a brilliant person, right? Then figure out how would those papers be in my office within this day."

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