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Sapphire St. Clair's POV

I tried to bury my mind in the mountain of work waiting for me in the office on my second day here in Greece. After my unexpected encounter with a certain Greek devil early this morning in the town's market, I was left shaken by the event that followed our encounter.

When I woke up early in the morning and decided to run on the beachside near my apartment to clear my head. As usual, unwelcome memories invaded my sleep last night. Those same memories I'd rather forget altogether because they only bring pain and melancholy in me.

After I found out that running wasn't enough to clear my head from unwanted memories I decided to explore the souk nearby. I always loved to stroll around with this kind of marketplace in Greece even before I could find nice and sometimes rare items. I just didn't expect to see my ex-husband there.

Of course, I thought bitterly. He would have known that I was there since there was someone who probably informed him about my every move. What I just don't understand is why he kept on bothering me lately when we had both made it clear to one another after our separation that we would try to keep our distance from each other.

I exhaled deeply as I unconsciously touched my lips. Damn that man, not only he made sure to bother me early in the morning with his persistence in opening the past. He also boldly kissed me in the middle of the street as if he had every right to do so. But I hated myself even more because I permitted him to take liberties with my lips again after swearing in the past that I wouldn't let another man mess with my heart again.

My body remembered those kisses so clearly. It seems that he had woken up something inside me that I assumed was already dead after I walked away from our marriage.

I couldn't help but remember what I had lost two years ago after being held in his arms again. My heart constricted with pain as I closed my eyes blocking away the pain as old wounds threatened to resurface.

Enough of this, Sapphire. I chided myself. You are just hurting yourself remembering the past. Didn't you promise yourself in the past never to think about it anymore?

With this kind of trail of thought inside my head. I knew I was not going to be productive with my paperwork this morning. Where was the confident and workaholic woman who built herself after her divorce two years ago? If I kept on acting like this—if I kept on letting him affect me like this then I was merely the same with that woman who married him.

I wasn't the same as my old self. The new Sapphire is stronger. I will rule the St. Clair Diamonds after my grandfather retires I promised that to myself two years ago after I went home to New York fresh from my divorce.

Feeling suffocated in my office with my trail of thoughts. I decided to survey the showroom outside. I have complete trust in the salesclerks entertaining visitors who wish to view the finest craftsmanship our jewelry store has to offer. I hope in time we will have loyal patrons here in Greece and the St. Clair Diamonds will be a household name here when it comes to jewelry.

"Miss St. Clair!" The woman who introduced herself as Agnes a while ago approached me with an efficient smile on her face. "Is there something I can do for you?"

I returned the smile, glancing at the people inside the 2,500-square-foot store. "I just want to check if everything is fine here."

"Everything is perfectly fine, madam." The woman answered beaming at me. "We exceeded our first expectation for the opening sales of St. Clair Diamonds."

I couldn't help but be glad at the news. "Truthfully?"

Agnes nodded, coming over the counter and picking up something from the drawer. She presented the sales folder in my direction. "This is our sales since the opening day, Miss. St. Clair."

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