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Harry was bored.
It had only been two and a half weeks into the summer holidays with the Dursley's. They had ignored him more than usual and had stopped giving him chores,(which was a blessing ,thank Merlin!) so he had nothing to do and anywhere to be.
Dumbledore had not lifted the owl post ban,so he couldn't owl his friends.
So without any contact with the wizarding world and no chores,what do you expect someone to do? He went and laid under the dry rose bush that was just underneath the open living room window of number Four Privet Drive. The rose bush hid him quite nicely away from any prying eyes of the other residents in the neighborhood and was great for eavesdropping. Harry heard a scuffle of movement from inside the house made by his Aunt Petunia clearing the area where his Uncle Vernon had guzzled down a hearty lunch in front of the television.
"Petunia dear, do you know where the boy went?"grunted Vernon,his voice carrying through the window.
"No, beats me. I rather the freak doesn't come back,after what he did to poor Dudders last year during summer!"said Petunia.
"I got no idea how he sent those Dementywhatsits to attack my little tyke. Dud isn't the same as before. He's too...quiet . That's too much a price to pay for looking after a freak. No matter how much that Dumbledore man pays us."said Vernon.
Wait. What? Dumbledore pays them to abuse him and 'look after' him? That's just some messed up shit right there. The man Harry looked up to, who he thought he could trust was fucking using him! What else had the old goat been keeping from him?
'I just need to go back to my room and cool down. Think about things carefully...' Harry thought to himself.
Harry made his way back into the house and and trudged upstairs.
"BOY! You better have not left any speck of dirt on the floor!"roared Vernon.
"No Uncle Vernon, I didn't!"yelled back Harry,slamming his bedroom door.
Harry clambered onto his cot,laid on his back,staring blankly at the ceiling.
'So dear old Dumbles pays those scum that I call relatives ,huh? What else has the bastard been keeping from me? One way or another, I'm going to find out! Aw fuck it, I'm too young for the shit I've been going through. I'm not even sixteen for crying out loud! There still are a few people I can trust, like Mia, Nev ,Lulu and the twins. I don't think that Ron and Ginny are...reliable anymore. They've been giving me weird looks since my possession at the Ministry. Ron even had the audacity to call me Dark. Bitch please! Stupid prat...' Harry thought bitterly.
He sat up and stared at his window. The sun was setting. How had time trickled by so quickly? Oh yeah, brooding,that's what. He saw no point in staying up any longer so he decided to go to sleep...
Two weeks later...
It was the 30th of July and it was Neville's birthday. Harry was disappointed that he couldn't send the shy boy a present. Neville was kind, even if he was clumsy. But last year he had really come out of his shell. He became more confident and outspoken, and improving better in class. He had also been the very few people who had stayed by Harry in fourth year after Harry's name had been called out from the Goblet. All in all, a very loyal friend.
Harry decided to just get him a present during the first Hogsmeade Weekend to make up for it, Neville would understand. He knew all too well about Harry's situation at home.
Harry spent the day brooding in his room. He checked his watch every few hours,right now it was 22:45pm, an hour and fifteen minutes until he turned sixteen. Some sweet sixteen that was going to be. No presents,no party , no friends nor hugs. It was just another day to Harry.
23:25. Thirty-five minutes 'til midnight. Last twenty-five minutes of being fifteen...
23:45. Fifteen minutes.
23:55. Five minutes.
23:59. One minute.
10 seconds...
9...8...7 seconds...
3 seconds...
2 seconds...
1 second...
"Happy Birthday Harry..." Harry mumbled.
Pain,white hot ,blinding pain was all Harry felt. He screamed himself hoarse and thrashing about the floor,knocking things over. He was vaguely aware of his Uncle Vernon's thunderous steps and bellows right outside his bedroom.
"BOY ! You'll wake up the whole neighborhood, you freak! What are you yelling about?!"bellowed Vernon from the other side.
Harry didn't care. He hurt too much. So what if he woke up the neighborhood? (As if Vernon didn't do that anyway?) His gums hurt,his head hurt,his back hurt too.
Basically, to put it simply, Harry felt like he got ran over by a dozen Hippogryffs.
Harry heard his uncle attempting to push down the door,and after a few minutes, he succeeded.
Harry was still writhing in pain when the Dursleys stomped into the room. His kicked him and said: "What in the devil do mean by making a racket boy?!"
Harry didn't answer.
"ANSWER ME, YOU FREAK!"roared Vernon, throwing Harry onto his cot. Harry landed with a sickening crunch and suddenly went limp. The Dursleys gave each other fearful glances,worried about whether or not that they would be punished. The stupid people that they are, went forward to see if Harry was still breathing.
Big mistake.
All of a sudden, Harry's magic swelled in the tiny bedroom and sent the Dursleys flying out into the hallway and the door snapped shut very primly.
"Mum? Dad? What just happened?"asked Dudley bewilderedly.
"Freaky shit that's what,"said Petunia, still on the floor.
Both male Dursleys stared at her in surprise. They had never heard her swear before.
"I think we should just go back to bed..." said Vernon. He was just too tired to deal with Harry right now. Frankly, he was scared shitless of his nephew because of the stunt he pulled back in his room. He stood up and walked back to bed with Petunia and Dudley in tow.

Harry woke up with a groan the very next morning.
His head felt like there was a heavy weight pushing down on it. He heaved himself off his cot and looked around his room balefully. What a mess that greeted his eyes. Harry felt his face. Where were his glasses? Why could he see clearly all of a sudden? Did this happen to everybody else on their own sixteen birthday? Well at least he could get rid of those stupid glasses of his, thank Merlin! Harry picked them up and popped the glasses into his back pocket of his baggy hand-me-down pants. But something else was different too. His clothing felt somewhat a bit...tight? (And this is Dudley Dursley we're talking about here.) Now that was weird. Harry went over to the still intact mirror and looked at himself.
Whoa. He looked hot.
His hair looked tame and wavy instead of that rat's nest he used to have. It had lengthened past his shoulders and it was thicker, darker and silkier. His eyes had changed from an emerald green to the glowing green of the 'Avada Kedavra' Curse. The shape of his eyes looked rounder, giving him a slight permanently surprised expression, like his friend Luna Lovegood. His lips had a pouty shape and were a pale pink. His cheekbones and jawline were defined wonderfully and his face a lot more angular, it had lost its baby fat. His skin was an ivory cream color and with the contrast with his midnight hair set off his facial features nicely. His skin was soft to the touch and his form was lithesome and tall. His height seemed to be around 6ft1 or 2. That was a great improvement. Harry had always been one of the shortest people in his year,and it was, to be quite honest, annoying. Then a sudden, embarrassing thought came to him.
'I wonder how long I am... down there?'he thought with a blush tinging his cheeks.
He pulled on the front of his pants and underwear and looked down. He blushed even more . He was at least eight inches! The thing was huge. Point. Blank.
Harry stopped staring and busied himself with other theories as to why he looked like he did now. An owl tapped its talons on his window. What was it doing here? But hey,beggars can't be choosers. Harry let it and the owl pecked at him impatiently. Hedwig hooted at the invader from her cage. The foreign owl hooted back indignantly. Harry took the letter from its beak and started reading:

There! Now you guys can see the letter 🥳🥳🥳
Dear Mr Potter, (it read)

Gringotts is delighted to hear the news of you receiving your creature inheritance.

We would like to invite you to hear the reading of your will at 2pm on Thursday, which is two days from now.
(thank you for stating the obvious) and you will receive an inheritance test to see what type of creature you are.

But here's the catch, Mr Potter, aren't allowed to tell you who your mate is. That is something you will have to find out on your own.

With kind regards,

Okay. So that explained why he looked like he did, thank Merlin. But he didn't know that his parents had left him anything other than his trust vault. He wondered what else they could have left him. As for the mate issue, he didn't mind because he could swing both ways, but he tended to favor guys more. But the damn goblins just had to say that they couldn't reveal who his mate was! Then why tell him in the first place? Honestly, goblins are too complicated.

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