Another Journal Entry

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I'm feeling kind today, since it's the beginning of the weekend! Yayyyyyyy!!! I'm only gonna study later in the afternoon...

5 hours later...
Location-Tom's Room.


30 August 1996

I know that I shouldn't be so mean to Harry, it's not like that it was his fault. Sure, he did knock me up, so what? It's not like I'm mad about that.

None of us could see me looking like a woman this time in the future. But I wonder what the point is of me looking like a bloody girl now? Maybe it's because like it's something that is supposed to be?

Maybe, back when proper civilizations existed, untamed Vulpine/Dark Veela Male Equals had to be like this. After all, baby bottles didn't exist then. Where else were babies going to get milk?

But these boobs though! Even though they aren't THAT big, they're just too uncomfortable to sleep with. Like, c'mon, I can't sleep on my side anymore cause they're in the way! It's better to sleep on my stomach, at least my bed is squishy...

Moving on, that damn Sirius Black is close to driving me to total insanity, and honestly, I don't want to go back there. Stupid git is busy trying to prank mostly Lucy & Sevvie. He knows full well to stay away from me!

But I did get my Fudgie Fingers in the end! Yes!

Bellatrix and Narcissa have been acting a bit oddly lately. It's like they're keeping something from me... I can't even use Legilimency anymore because it's high level magic that I shouldn't be even doing right now. Bad for my health.

What sucks is that I'm only permitted to perform up to 2nd Year magic! What am I supposed to do with Alohomora? Try to see if I can undo tangles in my hair?!

God. My life sucks sometimes.

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