We'll Deal With This Later

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A resounding crack could be heard in the room.

A/N: This is the Inner Creatures speaking or what happened in a previous chapter.

The bullet sped through the air and tore past Voldemort's strong shield charm. It implanted itself deep into his calf and the wound started bleeding profusely.

Voldemort shrieked with pain. Harry rushed over and caught him just as he was about to fall to the ground. Bellatrix conjured up a pair of tweezers and some antiseptic. She went over and sat down next to Voldemort's leg began to take out the bullet and clean the wound.

After she had finished with that, she muttered a Healing Spell and the cleaned wound closed up, leaving no scarring.

Harry helped his mate sit back down in his own chair on the right. Voldemort looked at his best friend and said: "Thank you Bella. You can go back to whatever you were doing before."and smiled.

The crazy witch grinned and disappeared with a puff of black smoke.

Silence reigned supreme after that. The other occupants were reeling with shock at the truth that wizards weren't really invincible. Muggles could kill the whole Wizarding population with one flick of a switch. They were so glad that they chose the sensible side to fight for. If they stayed with Dumbledore, they'd be signing their own death sentences!

While they were still processing the news, Harry was still fuming over his mate's demo. Tom could've been killed!
Had he no sense of self preservation?

He needed to teach Tom a veeeeery long lesson for putting himself in danger like that. They wouldn't be having any dinner tonight...

"Submissive?"  whispered Harry's Creatures to Tom as they took over.

Tom shuddered. He could feel his own Creatures wanting to take over as his Dominant spoke to him.

"Yes, Dominant?" The Submissive Creature replied meekly.

"Do not do that ever again, unless you want to be punished like last! You could have killed yourself, what if my Human Self missed and that bullet punctured a vital organ? And where would we be?"

"I'm so sorry Dominant! It had to be done to let the other Humans see sense. I promise you, I won't do it again. You can punish me as you see fit, since I deserve it."

The Dominant smirked at his Submissive, his Avada eyes raking up and down his Submissive's body.
"I already have a punishment ready for you. You are not to go to dinner tonight, since after the meeting, we are going to the bedroom to dole out your punishment. Notify a House Elf."

"Yes, Dominant."

To all the other people in the room who had been watching them during their conversation, they wouldn't have heard any words they could recognize. But from what they could gather from the pair's body language, they could tell that the Dark Lord was in some deeeeeeep shit.

Tom's Creatures released him with a shudder. He kept his face blank as he called for Dippy.

The exuberant House Elf popped into the room.

"Master callsed for Dippy? Howse can Dippy helps youse?"she squeaked.

Tom smiled at the Elf. "Could you please let Miss Bella know that we'll be having at least six extra guests for dinner tonight and that Harry and I will be...busy?"he asked her.

The Elf nodded enthusiastically, which caused her enormous ears to start flapping and vanished with a pop.

Voldemort clapped his hands and grinned. "Okay, any questions?"he asked.

Lots of hands were raised and questions were asked. Voldemort spent the hour answering the questions they had as best as he could.

Before most of their party were due to leave, Susan asked a valuable question.

"I'm sorry, but may I ask you something?"she queried.

Voldemort nodded.

"Are we going to be marked? Wouldn't we be at a better advantage if we went unmarked?"

Voldemort chuckled. "You will not be my Death Eaters actually. You would actually be apart of Harry's Inner Circle, or rather, Dark Lord Thanatos'."

"Harry!"came from the Weasley Twins.

Harry was still in his 'Dominant Mode' but he could still understand the two redheads. He smirked.

After all the necessary information was done and dusted, they settled on having Harry introduced as his Dark Consort, with the others as his Inner Circle.

Neville, Luna ,Susan and Padma had also gotten permission to stay at Riddle Manor from their parents/guardians for the rest of the holiday until September 1st.

When everyone had gone home or had been escorted to their rooms on the West Wing of the Manor, Tom and Harry were left all alone...

The Dominant scooped up his Submissive bridal style and super speeded to their bedroom. Once they had reached their destination, the Dominant threw his Submissive onto the large canopy bed and locked the door behind him. He cast wandless Silencing Charms around the whole room and turned to advance on his mate.

He grinned evilly at the aroused Sub and said as he undid his shirt:

"My dear, you're soooo going to regret your foolishness. I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk anymore. Until you pass out."


A/N: Please tell me how I did in this chapter! I hope that it wasn't too bad! Just click the pretty star ⭐️ at the bottom and vote for me!

Your brilliant authoress,

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