Phlegm Delableurgh

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The Weasleys were all seated at the dinner table, enjoying dinner.(of course.)

After awhile , Ginny piped up:
"Mum, was it at Fleur's? Did her family bore you to death?"

Molly stared at her daughter disbelief showing on her face.
"Ginevra, how many times do I have to tell you, Fleur is a lovely girl! And that girl is marrying Bill!"she scolded.

Ginny just shrugged. "Whatever. Still ain't gonna make me like her,"she mumbled. Ron grunted in agreement.

Molly gave her a sickly sweet smile. "Welp. You just added to your punishment! Tomorrow, when we leave again, you are to de-gnome the garden with Ronald,"she ordered.

"DE-GNOME THE GARDEN?!"shrieked Ginny, her face flushed in anger.

"WHAT DID I DO?!"yelled Ron, his face going puce.

"This is not up for discussion. You insulted a person who's almost family! That is not tolerated in this house,"said Arthur simply.

"Ugh! I HATE you! Why do you guys always side with that Veela bitch?!"Ginny screamed.

"Yes! Exactly! We are only saying what's true,"shouted Ron.

Arthur had enough. "Both of you, GO TO YOUR ROOMS!"he ordered.

The two brats did so happily. You could hear their feet stomping up the stairs and two doors being slammed simultaneously.

Charlie gave a grim smile. "Well, that's one interesting way to get them off our trail!"he chuckled.

The rest of the table laughed.


Ginny laid on her back onto her bed.
She was so angry . Why would her own family side with Phlegm Delableurgh?

Couldn't they see that she was a threat to her and Harry's relationship? He might like her better because she looked prettier than her! He saw the way she hugged him after the second task of the Tournament.

Harry was her man. They were made for each other! If only he took notice of her.

She didn't date Micheal Corner for nothing you know!

Her fantasies of Harry taking her were...quite vivid. They always ended up with Harry and her...doing pleasurable things.

But one day those fantasies will become a reality.
Even if she has to force Harry.


Ron dove into his bed face first.

He shrieked into his pillow and flailed his legs. He was just so mad! Why did his parents punish him so? He was only telling the truth!

Now he has to go de-gnoming the garden with his stupid sister! She was the one who got him into trouble.

And why did his brothers always get everything ?!
Bill had the girl he'd been crushing on hard since fourth year!

The stupid Veela didn't even realize a great person when it was staring at her in the face!

He should be hers! If not her, then Hermione will have to do. She's pretty enough to be with him and is certainly rich enough.


A/N: Another chapter done! I may not have time to update all the time anymore since school has started and the holidays are over and exams are coming up soon. But don't worry, I will try to be quick my lovelies.
Your brilliant authoress,

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