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Arthur and Molly Weasley were dumbstruck.
They had been clearing up the dinner table when the letter from their twin sons, Fred and George arrived.

Molly had been washing the dishes when their owl, Maurauder , tapped on the kitchen window. She turned to her husband and asked him to take the letter because her hands were wet. Once the letter had been taken, the owl flew off into the night.

"I wonder why the twins would send a letter at this time. Do you think it's urgent?" Arthur asked his wife, as they settled down on the couch in their cluttered living room.

Molly frowned. "Possibly dear. Just open it please,"she replied.
And Arthur did so. They began to read.
Dear Mum and Dad, (it began)
Harry and Hermione came over today and told us some really disturbing news about Ron,Ginny and Professor Dumbledore. We can't write it down since we're afraid that the letter will be intercepted. But to put it long story short, Harry wants to tell you the news himself. Bring Bill and Charlie, but leave Ron and Ginny at home. Make up a lie or anything, just make sure you guys get out of the house without raising suspicion.

Fred and George
PS- Try not to be judgmental towards Harry tomorrow? He really is self conscious about your opinion.
PPS- Show Bill and Charlie the letter. Did we already say that? Well, it doesn't hurt to have a reminder!

Husband and wife stared at each other. What the fuck did their two youngest children do?

"I think that we should lie and say to Ron and Ginny by using the alibi of having an adult only lunch at Fleur's England residence... You know, neither of them like her..."proposed Molly, uncertain.

Arthur thought about it for a moment.
"It would work, but we would need Fleur to cover for us if either Ron or Ginny asked about it..."he said.

"Well then it's settled. Let's go to Bill and Charlie's room to tell them and then we can go to bed,"said Molly.

And off they went to show the boys the letter. Their reaction were just the same as theirs, but they ended up agreeing to go to Diagon Alley the next day.


A/N: Crappy, believe me, I know. I really ain't fulfilling my promise aren't I?
*ducks while rotten fruit and vegetables are thrown *
Sorry, I will try to get better! This was a filler. I wanted the scene over and done with...👀
Your brilliant authoress,

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