To be Dark or not be Dark?

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"What?!"came the exclamation from Hermione.
"Yeah... I know. Freaky, isn't it?"said Harry glumly,not meeting anyone's eyes.
Suddenly, he felt multiple hands on his back.
"Harry, look at me," coaxed Petunia. Harry's troubled Avada eyes met her gentle Arctic blue ones.
"Listen, I know that I've never been the kindest person to you in the past, but I wanted to change. Know that I'll always support any decision you make and that I'll always love you. Okay?" Petunia declared fiercely, her eyes shining.
Harry gave her a shaky smile.
"Harry, I would never leave you! You were my first and bestest friend that I have, and honestly, you're like a brother to me!"squealed Hermione, giving him her famous bone-crushing hug.
"Harry-" began Fred.
"If a Weasley-"carried on George.
"Isn't loyal-"
"To family-"
"Or friends-"
"Then they're nothing!"the twins finished.
"Thank you guys. At least I know that there are still some people that I can trust..." said Harry.
"Yeah!"the rest cheered.
Then a sudden thought came to Harry. He voiced it aloud:
"Do you guys know if the rest of the Weasleys would be okay with me going Dark?"
Fred and George thought about it for a little bit.
"I guess so. Once mum and dad and the others hear your story, there's no doubt that they would leave you! Mum and Dad think of you and Hermione as their other children. I don't feel bad for Ron and Ginny when they get their comeuppance!"said Fred. George laughed.
Harry gave a sigh of relief. "Yeah! Imagine your Mum's face when she learns about what they did! She be livid! Hahahaaa!"cackled Harry, his Vulpine mannerisms shining through.

"Hey, Harry... I'm curious... You said that you had creature inheritances not a creature inheritance. What creatures are you?"asked Hermione, her chocolate orbs brimming with a thirst for new information.
"Mate?"the twins asked.

Harry over exaggerated his facial features to add the suspense and kept quiet for two more minutes.
"Ah uh, Harry! I'm getting older here!"snapped Hermione. She really didn't like waiting.

Harry pouted. The look really suited him.
"Fine! Ruin my fun!"he snarked. Hermione snorted in an unladylike manner. Fred and George waited expectantly for Harry to continue. Petunia zoned out. She had already heard this story.

Harry started to speak.
"Well, don't interrupt. I'm a Part Equal Vulpine, Part Equal Dark Veela..."
"Wait! Isn't a Vulpine a Vampire Angel or otherwise known as a Fallen Angel? What do you mean that you're a Dark Veela? And what on earth is an Equal?"asked Hermione all in one breath.

Harry glared at her, Avada eyes flashing in warning.
"What did I say about interrupting me?"he asked sharply, arms akimbo.
Hermione grinned sheepishly. "To not interrupt..." she answered him.
"Good!"he said curtly. He then began to tell them all about what Griphook told him about his parents letters, the armbands for him and his mate, the origin of Vulpine and how he could find his mate with a vision tonight, to how he was an Equal.

"Blimey, mate! So you are telling us that both you and your mate can have kids?"exclaimed in wonder.
Harry stared at Fred incredulously. "Is that the only thing that you absorbed from this conversation?"
"Sure,"said Harry in a disbelieving tone.

"Do you think that your mate is male? Are you ok with that?"asked Hermione gently.
Harry looked at her, amusement shining in his eyes.
"Hermione, I'm totally ok with it. Remember, I am Bi, although I tend to favor guys you could say that I am gay..."he said thoughtfully.

"But just imagine if it were Lord Moldywart!"chuckled George. "I couldn't kiss good ol' Snake Face!"

A weird feeling clouded Harry's brain. He felt hurt and insulted for some reason.
"Well,I would kiss him if he looked like Tom Riddle again!"he replied defensively.

Everyone stared at each other weirdly. Harry didn't like it.
"What?!"he finally snapped.
"N-Nothing mate!"squeaked Fred.
"Good."said Harry. He snapped his head towards the window. It was getting far too late for them to be walking back to the Leaky Cauldron. "I think it's time to go guys. It's late,"he said to Hermione and Petunia. They nodded.

"See ya tomorrow?"asked George.
"Definitely!" Harry replied, his mood much lighter.
He thought about something for a moment. ", could you write a letter to your father and tell him to drop by tomorrow? I really would like to speak to the rest of the Weasley clan. Tell him to leave Ron and Ginny at home and make up a lie as to why they're going. I know that Bill, Fleur and Charlie are home,so invite them along. Tell him it's urgent, okay? Do it for me please?"Harry all but pleaded.

The twins nodded. "Anything for you Harrykins!"they smirked.
Harry growled at them before closing the door behind him after Petunia and Hermione had exited.
A/N: I know, the chapter is short and crappy! *runs away from a mob with torches and pitchforks * I'll try better I promise!!!
Love you guys!
Your brilliant authoress,

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