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Tom's eyes opened to see that he was back in his room again. It was just only daybreak from what he could judge from the light in the window.

At the foot of his bed slept his beloved familiar, Nagini. He wasn't sure if she was actually sleeping or not, since snakes had no eyelids. To be quite honest, it even freaks Tom out himself at times.

"You done staring at me, Human?" Nagini hissed. Tom jumped, not expecting her to be awake.

"I wasn't staring at you! You got no proof!"sniffed Tom.

If a snake could roll its eyes, Nagini certainly would have done so.

She slithered close to him and settled herself around his neck. Tom chuckled. "You're getting too heavy for my neck to support you ,old girl."he groaned.

"Oh yeah? Who's the one feeding me damn rats?! You know, it won't hurt to let me eat that Wormtail fellow..."snapped the snake.

"Noooo Nagini, we've went over this, Wormtail is for Harry."

"Humph! When is your mate coming anyway? I want grandhatchlings soon! Oh how sweet they'll look running around the place gleefully. I can see them now!"trailed off the snake wistfully.

Tom blushed red. "Don't say that Nagy, you're freaking me out!"

The snake hissed with laughter. "Well, I know that I won't have to wait long for them since you and your mate are nearly done consummating your bond. Once you two go and mate the way you two-leggeds do, you may have your first Heat Period in a month, since every living creature that can breed has their first Heat Period within the month after consummating their Mate Bond, no matter how long their average cycles are. There is absolutely no way that you wouldn't conceive at least one hatchling." Nagini said seriously.

Tom's pulse started quickening and he began hyperventilating. "What do you mean that after I consummate the Mate Bond with Harry, I'll end up getting a ten day long fuck session where I get knocked up?!! This is a bloody war Nagini! It is not a suitable environment to raise a child in! Dumbledore has it out for me! What if he kidnaps my child! W-What if I die while giving birth, just like my Madre(Mum) and I don't get to see my child grow up?" Tom shrieked as loudly as Parseltongue would let him.

Nagini was getting worried. Her hatchling never got scared like this. She tried talking over him but to no avail. Even tapping him wouldn't work! Her hatchling needed those weird drinks that put humans to sleep. But how? Those other humans didn't speak her language and she theirs. Communication barrier much?

At least the Dungeon Bat(Snape) could understand her to an extent. It was a good thing he decided to stay the night!

The large snake slithered off her masters shoulders and bed and nosed her way into her special ventilation system and went straight to the North Wing of the manor where the guests normally resided.

Once she finally figured out which room was the Dungeon Bat's ,she plopped onto the floor from the ceiling. She slithered onto the Bat's bed and nuzzled him awake.

The effect would have been hilarious if the situation wasn't so serious. The Bat woke up and shrieked when he saw the great snake. After gaining composure again, he asked Nagini:

"Is the Dark Lord okay? Does he need anything help?"

She nodded.

"Do I need to bring Bella?"

Another nod.

"A potion is needed?"


"Sleeping Draught?"

Furious nod.

"Very well. Wait for me there."

Nagini slid off his bed and headed back up to her vent and shot off to her hatchling's room.

Severus ran to the chest of drawers he kept at the Manor and looked for a Draught of the Living Death. After locating it, he put on a black nightgown and slippers and headed to the Lestranges' bedroom across from him. Her banged on the door loudly. For a few minutes, no one answered until Bellatrix opened the door looking very tired and annoyed in a purple silk nightdress that reached her knees. Her hair was wilder that it normally was and she was barefoot.

"What the hell are you doing, waking us up at this ungodly hour?!"she hissed.

Severus snarled. "Excuse me, but I think our Lord is more important right now. His snake came to my room to tell me that something was wrong with him and you were needed!"he growled.

Bellatrix became more alert at that. "Well, let's go! What ya waiting for?!"she shrieked as she ran like the wind to her master's quarters. Severus caught up with the psychotic woman easily.

They were winded when they reached the Dark Lord's bedroom. When they opened the door, they saw a sight that thoroughly shocked them to their cores. Voldemort was rocking back and forth on his bed, hands clamped over his head, sobbing hysterically about something. It was a truly heartbreaking sight.

Bella went over and sat down on his bed and pulled him close to her.

"Shhh... What happened, my Lord?"she asked gently.

"Oh my God! Kidnap... Heat...Oh God!"sobbed Tom.

"Bella! You need to get him to look at me right now so I'll be able to give him a Sleeping Potion! He trusts you since you're his best friend."ordered Severus .

Bellatrix nodded. She looked down at Tom and said:
"My Lord, please look at me, I want to help you."

Tom shook his head. "Y-You C-CAN'T!"he shrieked.

"My Lord, we promise you, we can! Just. Look. At. Me!"she urged. Seeing her best friend like this was hurting her badly.

After another ten minutes of coaxing, Tom finally looked up and Severus fed him the potion.

"Waiiiit. Harrrraaaz comin at ten dirty wiv fends... I need ta meet dem." Tom slurred. The effects of the potion were pulling him into unconsciousness.

"Don't worry my Lord, they can wait for you in the living room until you wake up."


Bellatrix giggled. "Yes, my Lord."

"Okie dokie."said Tom. And with that, he promptly fell asleep,snoring lightly in Bellatrix's arms.

Bellatrix set him back down on the bed and tucked him in. His chocolate locks forming a halo around his pale face, he looked truly angelic.

Bellatrix got up and turned to Severus as they exited the room to go back to their own rooms.

"I've never seen him like that before! I wonder what caused it. All I got from him was: Heat and Kidnap... I wonder if our Lord is in danger, Sev."she exclaimed.

"I don't know, Bella, I really don't."replied the confused Potions Master.


A/N: Yoooh! So intense! I really do feel bad for Tommy dearest, no matter how much of a snarky git he is most of the time.

Your brilliant authoress,

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