One Way Or Another...

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A/N: LoLz 😂 Tom is 'bout to wake up. Poor Potty

I can hear Bellatrix giggle a little. "Ooh, I feel sorry for ya
Potty, when Tommy wakes up, you may wanna be halfway to Mexico then. I'm his best friend, I read up about his Creatures, and since he's close to Heat...oooooh there'll be SOME attempts at Bowchikawowwow..."she had begun to cackle halfway through her speech.

My Harry shuffles a bit. I can scent his sweet aroma so close to me...Oh how I want him now! I want him to pound deep into me, til I pass out from pure ecstasy!

I snapped open my eyes and sit up. Harry is startled so badly, he ends up on the floor. I would later deny this, but I giggled like Bella with a plaything.

My Harry stares at me warily from the floor, not daring to move an inch. I wonder why? Shouldn't he be so glad to see me awake?!

I spy the two Black Sisters standing a short distance away, that one with the blond hair is staring at the madly grinning black haired one. I don't want them anywhere near my Harry! He's mine and mine ALONE.

I snarl at them. "Get away from my mate!" I warned.

The crazy one took her sister by the hand and left the room with her, cackling insanely.

My body is tense until I hear their footsteps far away. Now... it's just me and Harry.

I smiled at him and said: "Now that those nuisances are gone...let's have a"

His beautiful eyes widened even wider than they already were if possible. I jumped onto him and straddled him and began to kiss him as if my very life depended on it.

"Oooohh Toooooooom!"he moaned. He bucked underneath me as I had successfully undid the grey button up shirt he must have put on while I had been asleep. I sucked on his perky pink nipples and ground my crotch against his.

This elicited another satisfying moan from him.

I carried on with my ministrations until I was suddenly pinned on the floor on my back. What the fuck?

"Tom, I KNOW you have books on Vulpine! You know how dangerous it is to have sex before your Heat, you dolt! So can ya please wait a little while longer?" Harry begged.

"Noooo! Why?! I want you now Harry! Don't make me wait..." I whispered brokenly. I don't feel too bad playing with Harry's emotions. If I get laid in the end, I didn't care.

Harry's Killing Curse eyes bore into my Expelliarmus red ones. I never knew how truly beautiful his eyes looked before until now. Burning with such intensity...last year, those eyes would be looking at me with such hatred, I'd squirm a bit internally to tell you the truth.

But hey, whoever said "Hate fuels Passion"or something like that was totally right.

"...Tom? Tom, are you even bloody listening to me?!" My beloved yelled.

"Nope. I was busy looking at your dreamy eyes. Yum." I reply in a Luna Lovegood-like voice.

Harry frowned and pursed his lips.

He stood up and made his way over to the door and before he slammed the door behind him, he said to a very shellshocked me:

"No sex for a week my dear, it's final."

My face darkened in anger. One way or another Harry James Potter, I'm going to get you into my bed.

Tom Marvolo Riddle always gets what he fucking wants.

And I want you.


A/N: Oh LoLz 😂

Thank you to all the people who have reviewed and voted for this story. This chapter is for you guys!❤️

Your brilliant authoress,

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