Letters to friends and other escapades...

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"WHAT?!"everyone else in the room shrieked.

Harry bowed down his head. "Yes,my mate is Lord Voldemort! But I don't care. I used to hate him, but now I don't,"he said defensively.

"But Harry! The man killed your parents ! How can you not hate him?"exclaimed Hermione.

Harry huffed angrily. "Look, it wasn't his fault! I guess I can understand why he did it. He was fearful for his life. And honestly, how can you miss something you never had? But don't think that I don't miss my parents, I do. But I don't blame him, I blame Dumbledore."

Everyone quieted. They would have never thought of putting it that way. They could understand, even if a little bit.

Finally, Hermione broke the silence. "Harry, I don't want to lose you. You were my very first friend.So if I have to be a Death Eater, I will follow you til the very end."

"Harrykins!"grinned the twins.

"We love you Harry. So if it means taking out Dumbledore and being with You-Know-Who makes you happy, we'll join you. Weasleys always fight for what is right," Arthur declared. The other Weasleys nodded in agreement.

"I don't know much about your world, Harry, but I do know this: I'll be there for every step of the way."said Petunia ,hugging him tightly.

Harry looked up. "Thank you guys. I knew that I could trust you!"he said smiling. Everyone smiled back at him.

Then he remembered something from the vision last night that he needed to tell them.He spoke up and said:
"Oh and guys, Voldy said to meet him tomorrow at his Manor to speak with you. I have to write a letter to Neville, Luna,Padma and Susan. He wants to meet them too..."

The Weasleys broke out in a cold sweat.
"Ehehhh...Just asking here... Does Vol-Vol... Fuck it! I'm sorry, can't say his name, You-Know-Who look like that snake humanoid thing we always see in battle?" Arthur asked nervously.

Harry laughed. He had never heard Mr Weasley swear before.

"No, Voldy doesn't look like that! He looks eighteen and he does have a very nice looking nose, thank you very much. And let me tell you something!-"dropped off Harry.

"What?"asked everyone.

"He was the one who came up with Snake Face! Priceless! I just about cracked up in the vision yesterday when he told me that!"choked out Harry in between laughing.

Fred and George lost it.

"Oh my Merlin! We gotta meet Voldy! He sounds awesome !"they yelled.

Hermione and Petunia were giggling. They thought that Voldemort had such a cool sense of humor. They also wanted to know him better.

"Chill! Just wait until tomorrow! You will need to close your shop for a few hours..."said Harry chuckling.

"What time do you want us here tomorrow?"asked Arthur.

"10:30am at the latest. We can use the Floo Network in here. Voldy wants to keep his location secret."

"Okay. Now we have to make up yet another lie to the two brats,"said Charlie.

"I know! How about you say Fleur's  parents invited you over for a party to meet her extended family? I heard Ron and Ginny don't like her nor her family..."suggested Hermione.

"Perfect. And we could make Ginny serve her punishment tomorrow..."said Molly.

Harry frowned. "What did she do?"he asked curiously.

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