Baby I don't feel so good: Part Three

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Harry POV

Just then, Narcissa appears in a puff of black smoke. She looked really jumpy and panicky.

An expression that shouldn't be on the face of a Malfoy.

"My Lord! Please hurry! The Dark Lord is in Miss Lovegood's bedroom out cold! Grab my hand and I'll take us there!"

Alarm bells are ringing in my head. This is not good!

"What?!" I shrieked. "Take us there!"

Both Hermione and I grab one of Cissy's arms each. We disappeared from the living room and Ended up in Luna's bedroom.



I can hear everyone fussing over me as I lay on Luna's bed.
I still can't believe that the blond had one upped me!

"Do you know what is wrong with him?"asked Harry. I can feel him gently holding my body flush against his chest.

I want to see his face,I want to smell his neck, I want to just kiss him. But I'm stuck. He's holding me too tightly.

My eyes flutter open. Too bright!

"Ow. What the hell happened?" I groaned.

"Heheh, you passed out awhile ago while you were still talking to me..."tittered Luna.

Now that is a lie. I can still remember clearly, you sneaky blondie. I don't even need to use Legilimency to find out.

"Oh." Is all I say.

I look around to see Harry, Granger, Luna and the Black Sisters .

"Can you tell me what's wrong? I'm tired of these blackouts!"I whined from my beloved's arms.

Bellatrix can barely hold back a giggle.

"My Lord, have you been feeling unwell today?"asked Narcissa in a business-like tone.

I paused to think. "Yes actually..."I replied slowly.

"List all your symptoms."

I blushed red.

"Come on now! I know you've had Heat! It's not like we all haven't had sex in a while! Nothing to be embarrassed about!"

"I'm sure Luna and Hermione haven't!" I reply

Said girls made an outraged hiss.

"What? It's true. Anyway, for my symptoms...I've been more sluggish...I'm more snappier and hungrier than usual...and kinda horny..."

Bellatrix cackled. "Oh Tommykins, I can tell ya what's up with you! And you call yourself a genius!"

I growled. "What do you mean by that?!"I whispered darkly.

She smirked.

"Well Tommykins, what I mean is that you 'n' Ickle biddy Potty are gonna have a sweet widdle bundle of joy!!"

"WHAT?! Fuuuck!"Harry and I shrieked together.


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