Traitors Revealed-Part One

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Harry quietly slid out of bed, without disturbing the other two women in the bed.

He went to his trunk, picked up his towel and other toiletries and headed towards the bathroom. He took off his clothes and stepped into the shower.

As the water ran down his body, his mind drifted towards the vision he had last night. He saw Lord Voldemort as Tom Riddle, a guy who was just as vulnerable as everyone else.

And Tom was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Tom under his body, driven wild with pleasure. Because of who? Him. Not anybody else. HIM!

He really wanted to get to know Tom better. If he really was this calm on a daily basis, it would be even better.
But how would the Death Eaters react to him? Would they Stun him or hug him? Only time would tell.

And he really needed to find time to send letters to Neville, Luna, Susan Bones and Padma Patil. They had been the only ones who had believed him about Cedric's death.

Even if his mate was the one behind it.

He finished his shower and wrapped his emerald green towel around his hips. He went over to the sink to brush his teeth. After that, he dried his hair and tied it up into a messy ponytail atop his head.

He reentered the bedroom to find both Hermione and Petunia awake.

"Hey Harry," they greeted.
"Hullo,"he greeted back.

Hermione looked up from her book she was reading and watched him get dressed into Muggle clothing. It was a navy plaid shirt with faded torn jeans.His shoes were black dragon hide ankle boots with thick soles. It kind of made him look like a lumberjack.

"Why are you staring at me?" Harry asked her, Avada eyes narrowed in confusion.

"Well...How'd it go?" Hermione asked.
"How'd what go?"Harry returned. He knew exactly what she wanted to know.
Hermione frowned at him. "Don't play dumb with me, Harry James Potter! You know exactly what I mean!"she snarked.
" mean the vision I had of my mate?"he said in mock thoughtfulness.
"YES!"half-shouted the bushy-haired girl.
Petunia stopped reading her copy of a Witch Weekly magazine she bought the day before and stared at the brunette and raven haired duo's bickering. She smiled. They were quite entertaining to watch.

"Okay then. Just know that he's hot and loaded and you'll meet him on Friday,"chirped Harry. "Now if you could excuse me, I'm going to get some breakfast for myself!"

Hermione stared open-mouthed at her best friend as he glided out of the room.
"Cheeky bastard,"she grumbled as she got ready for the day herself. Petunia bursted our in giggles.


The Weasley family at the Burrow were having breakfast when Molly made the announcement.

She had stared around at the faces of her family at the table and her light brown eyes lingered longer on her two youngest children.

She cleared her throat.

"So today your Father,Bill, Charlie and I are going to be out for a few hours..."she began. The three other adult Weasleys tensed.

Ron Weasley frowned. "Waff? Eh ah oo  ohing?"he asked his mouth filled with bacon and eggs.
The rest stared at him in disgust.
Molly pinched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger in irritation. She closed her eyes and counted to ten.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley! How many times do I have to tell you to swallow your food before you speak? It's disgusting!"she scolded.

Ron shrugged.

"Where are you going, Mum? And why can't we come?"sniffed Ginny, setting down her fork.

"Because, dear,we're going to visit Fleur to have lunch with her and her family. We thought that you wouldn't like to come,"Molly lied with a smile.

Ron and Ginny looked horrified. "Good thinking too! I don't like that girl. Too stuck up!"said Ron. Ginny nodded her head in agreement.

Bill flushed beet red to the roots of his hair. "That is my fiancée you two are badmouthing!"he said angrily.

"So? It's true,"said Ginny staring at her fingernails.

Bill had enough. "I'm going to my room. Tell me when we're leaving!"he said before stalking off.

"Ginevra Molina Weasley! I didn't raise you to be so rude. When we come back, we are dealing with your punishment!" Arthur said as everyone else besides Ron stood up and cleared their plates.

"Yes, father,"she said sarcastically.

"Go to your room!"

"With pleasure."


Tom Riddle had woken up with a start.
The vision last night was...amazing. After so many years of waiting for his mate, he had finally found him.

But why did it have to be Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Wouldn't-Fucking-Die?!

Fate really loved messing up his life when he had finally gotten his sanity back.

He had to kill Harry, the prophecy said so! But he couldn't kill his mate, he'd be heartbroken! Maybe he should just avoid all together?

God, he was one messed up person.

At least he could see Harry tomorrow. Then there was a chance that they could continue Round 2 of the nighttime activities. He just hoped that Nagini, his snake, wouldn't barge in! It would be embarrassing!

Also, he wanted to know Harry better. He seemed like a nice person, if not a little bit too forward. Yes, Harry was his and nobody else's.

He just needed to get that through his Death Eaters' heads first.


Harry ,Petunia and Hermione were sitting in the living room of the Weasley Twins at 10:53am, anxiously waiting for the other Weasleys to arrive.

At 10:57, Fred and George came up for their break from their shop.

"Here?" They asked.

"Nope. I really hope that they do come..."said Harry worriedly.

Just then, a loud knock rang in the hallway.
"It?"asked the twins.

"Mum,Dad,Bill and Charlie, boys!" Mrs Weasley's muffled came.

"It's unlocked!"yelled George.

The Weasleys entered, but luckily,no Ron or Ginny were in sight.

"Hello boys, Hermione! We've missed you!"greeted Molly.
The others did the same,but they still hadn't seen Harry and Petunia yet.

When they did see them, they froze. "Uh, hello there! What are your names?" Arthur asked politely,not knowing how to address the new people.

Harry and Petunia laughed.
"Oh my Merlin! You don't recognize me huh, Mr Weasley?"chuckled Harry.

"Vaguely. You two do look familiar though."

After composing themselves , they cleared their throats and Harry said:
"I'm Harry and this is my Aunt Petunia."

The rest of the Weasley clan looked flabbergasted.

George laughed. "Same thing happened to me,"he chuckled.

A/N: Another chappie done and dusted, huh? Four in a day... I'm on a roll!😂
Next:Harry reveals his mate!😱
Your brilliant authoress,

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