Traitors Revealed-Part Two

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"Wait,but you simply cannot be Harry!"squeaked Mrs Weasley in surprise.

Harry gave a roguish grin. "Let's sit down and I'll explain,"he offered. Petunia and Hermione sat down on either side of him while the Weasleys sat across.

He began to tell them the story of how he got his creature inheritances, why he and Petunia escaped from Privet Drive,and what occurred in Gringotts.

"You said that there was something that concerns Albus,Ron and Ginny? Exactly what did they do?"asked Mr Weasley.
Harry scratched his head. "Weeell... I don't think I can say this..."Then he smirked, "Actually, I can! First off ,let's start with Dumbles. He had me placed at the Dursley home in the hopes of me getting abused, thus making me more malleable and willing to please him. He wanted me as a martyr for a fake prophecy-"

"Hold up! Fake prophecy?"asked Bill.

"Yes. The prophecy is a fake. He cast the Imperius Curse on Trelawney to make sure Severus heard to report it to his master that day in the Hogs Head pub. My parents needn't have died. Now I never got to grow up with them in my life because of him!"hissed Harry.

The Weasley family were silent at this. Sure, they had known about the fake prophecy , believing it to be true and who and where it had been said. But for Dumbledore to lie like that? He ruined a child's life for Merlin's sake!

"I have a feeling that you're not done just yet, Harry dear..."trailed off Mrs Weasley.

Harry grinned. "You're right,Mrs Weasley. And this is where it gets really juicy! Dumbles dearest, Ronniekins and Saint Ginevra have been stealing from my vault ever since Dumbledore made himself my Magical Guardian illegally . It believe me, Aunt Petunia has bore witness, I was livid when I found out. Your son has been paid 5000 galleons every month since September 1991! Your daughter since November 1992! They had set up Private Vaults for themselves, so that you wouldn't know. And Dumbledore has been taking 10000 galleons from me since 19 fucking 81!" Harry shouted, breaking down in tears.

Mrs Weasley immediately rushed over him and hugged him closer to her chest. She rubbed circles on his back to try and soothe him.

"'s okay, dear. I believe you. How could my own children do that to you?"she whispered to him.

"I don't know..."Harry sobbed.

"I have half a mind to disown the both of them! What they did was utterly despicable! And Dumbledore, taking a part in it!"said Arthur.

Harry's head shot up from Mrs Weasley's ample bosom.
"No, don't disown them! At least not yet...rather do it when their reputations have crashed and burned. No one will care for them after that..."he said,looking like the cat who got the canary.

Fred and George whooped. "That is simply brilliant Harry! How are you not a prankster like us?!"George exclaimed.

Harry looked smug. "You know me, I like to keep things under the wraps..."

Fred shook his head in laughter.

"Um, Harry, could you tell us the real prophecy please?"asked Bill tentatively.

"Sure." And then he began to say the prophecy. When done, the Weasleys were surprised.

"Who are the Dark Equals? I know You-Know-Who is one of them. Who's the other one?"asked Charlie.


"Bloody Hell! You have enough power to destroy this world? Awesome!"said Bill.

Arthur gave his son a disapproving look. Bill stared back at him.

"What? I was just saying..."Bill trailed off.

The rest chuckled.

"Hey, um, guys? I have something to tell you. Please don't be mad?"asked Harry. His eyes were glued to his shoes,his cheeks flushed.

"Is it about your mate?!"asked Hermione eagerly.

"Yes. I figured that I rather tell you now, lest you hex him tomorrow..."Harry said nervously.

"Why would we do that?"asked Mrs Weasley.

"Because my mate is Lord Voldemort himself."

A/N: Shoutout to CaptainKlancer56 giving me a lovely review. I really do appreciate it! Thank you 😊

Next: Will the Weasleys accept Voldy?
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