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Harry woke up very early that day.
Petunia was still asleep and tangled in her blankets,snoring softly. Harry decided to not wake her up, instead, he changed into something to wear for the day.
He then went downstairs to have breakfast and struck up a conversation with the hunchbacked, toothy innkeeper. He stayed there for a bit after his early breakfast, sipping coffee and staring into space.
When he was done with that ,he went back upstairs to wake up his aunt. It was already 8am and they were losing time if they wanted to shop, meet Hermione and get to Gringotts on time!

After she had woken up, Petunia took a shower, changed into clothes,had her breakfast and then they were off.

"Wow,Harry! I forgot how this place looked like! Still amazing as always," exclaimed Aunt Petunia as they trekked to Gringotts to withdraw some money.

Harry looked at his aunt, surprised. He hadn't thought that she had been here before. But then again, this was his mother's sister. She had to have seen Diagon Alley before.

"Yeah, I know right? It was even more amazing the first time I went" Harry replied.

They reached Gringotts and went inside. The bank seemed busy so there would be a long wait ahead for them. That is until a goblin came running as fast as his stubby legs could carry him towards Harry and Petunia.

"Mr Potter! Thank goodness you came now! You're needed right at this moment to hear the reading of your parents' wills and your godfather's one on top of that , along with your inheritance test. We can't keep holding off Dumbledore any longer- He could come in any day now!"the goblin said, leading the odd duo to a very plush room where Griphook was waiting for them.

"Mr Potter, thank you for showing up today. We will read the wills first, do the inheritance test next and deal with some...  interesting news concerning your family vaults..."said Griphook in a business-like tone. He motioned for them to sit down across from him in two comfy armchairs.

"Let's get started," Harry replied, a confused frown denting his forehead.

Griphook began to take out three scrolls out of a large silver box. He picked one, unfolded it and began to read.

"This is the Last Will And Testament of James Charlus Potter..." (A/N 2022: I know it's Fleamont as you've all *kindly* informed me. Not to sound blunt or mean , but I don't really care atp. It's literally just pixels on a screen bro and it's been years since I've written this chapter)


A/N: I'm so evil, to leave you guys like this 😂

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