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28 September 1996, 13h07
Location-Riddle Manor, Downstairs Library, East Wing

Harry POV (long time no see ne?)

Tom was actually acting more like a normal pregnant person. His temper had toned down a bit, which was a huge plus thank God, because I don't think that I could survive.

Narcissa had begun ordering baby clothes in truckloads, putting them somewhere in the house. I had already finished painting the babies' room after many orders from Tom on how to paint it.

One half of the room was silver, decorated with more girly such as princesses from famous Muggle fairytales themes and a huge silver crib on top of a huge fluffy carpet that you could find in Tom's study.

The other side was painted a pale gold with a huge gold crib in the middle on top a fluffy gold carpet.

The walls on that half of the room were Quidditch themed, little players zooming on brooms on the wall and a snitch flying around.

On the two cribs were nameplates that were blank, ready to be inscribed with the babies' still yet to be decided.

Speaking of baby names...Tom was aiming for Greek gods and goddesses. But I'm sorry, some of the names sound really downright stupid.

Erebus? Hell no!

Castor? Uh uhh! Sounds like that Muggle Castor oil thing Aunt Tuney had tried feeding me the last time I was sick! Just because it was orange flavored now doesn't mean that it's going to suddenly taste better. It makes it taste WORSE.

Some of them did sound nice, because I liked their more sticking to the brain meanings.

Like...Arae or Daeira for the girl, despite the darker meanings for her name. Arae and Daeira are on the Dark Greek Goddesses end of the spectrum, maybe Tom would like those names?

And for the boy, how about something more sensible like Aidoneus or Minos, just to keep Tom happy. Our poor children. Aidoneus, I had found out, was another way to call Hades, the King of the underworld. Sounds way better than Hades and wouldn't it be irritating to have an Inner Circle called Hades' Circlet THEN call your own kid Hades? Anyway, Minos was just one of the three Judges of The Dead.

God, and we haven't even GOTTEN to the middle names!

"...HARRY! HARRY POTTER!"Tom's shout shakes me back to reality.

I turned to my left to see a pair of Expelliarmus red eyes staring at me.

"Yeah Tommy?"I reply with a smile.

The chocolate haired brunette pressed himself closer to my body, his larger stomach and breasts pressed on my side as I cuddled him with one arm.

"You love me right?"he asked in a slightly dazed voice.

"Are you okay, Tommykins?" I answered his question with one of my own. He was sounding too much like Luna for his own good. I checked to see if he was running a temperature. None.

"Harry. Do. You. Love. Me,"he asked again, tears collecting in his eyes.

"Oh Tom, I love you so much! Why do you ask?"I said, sating his worries. I gave him a gentle hug.

"S'nothing." And with that, Tom fell asleep once more. I chuckled.

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