The Last Will And Testament Of James & Lily Potter

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Previously on FA: "This is the last will of James Charlus Potter..."
"Dear Harry, my son,you must be so old right now! I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry that I couldn't live to see the person that you have grown up to be. You must be amazing, like you wouldn't be, I'm your dad , duh. Enough rambling from me , it's time to get serious ( heh,heh Sirius, geddit?)
I leave to you, Harry:
All the money in the Potter vaults
All the family tomes and spell creating notes
The Potter, Gryffindor,Perevell and Emrys Lordship rings
A pensieve ( one that is much more awesomer than Dumbledore's.)
And some books on how to deal with your creature inheritances.
With some advice too: don't trust Dumbledore! Don't listen to him preaching about his 'Greater Good' shit, because that one sure fire way to die. He wants you under his thumb and we tried getting away. Oh yeah, really think that no matter who your mate is, just know that I'll always love you Harry.
I give the title, Godfather to Sirius Orion Black and Godmother to Alice Tamara Longbottom .
Dumbledore is not to be Harry's guardian at all! He's a manipulative old goat that one. He is to go to Sirius or Alice if anything happens to either Lily and I.
I leave 10000 galleons to one Remus John Lupin ( come on Remmy buy yourself something new to wear!)
I leave 10000 to one Severus Snape to say sorry for being such a git to you back at school. You didn't deserve that.
Sirius,I have a feeling that Dumbledore might be up to something so I don't know whether I was right or wrong about not leaving you anything. Don't feel bad, it was to keep you safe you dolt.
And to dear Petty, I know you're Lils' sister so I want to leave you with something too. I leave you a box of jewelry and 5000 galleons.
Dumbledore,you get nothing you goat! Hahahaaaa
Written and signed by
James Charlus Potter
26 October 1981"
Harry laughed at his father's antics. He also felt comforted by the fact that his dad said that he supported his choice of mate and didn't judge him at all.
Aunt Petunia was in tears. She never knew how much James cared for her enough to include her in his will. And after badmouthing him too! She felt so guilty.
Griphook watched the duo with amusement. He had never been entertained by wizards like this in a long time. They were like able and weren't rude, like other pricks he had to deal with every single frickin day. He let them get themselves together before beginning again.
"Are you ready for Lily Potter's will?"he asked gently.
The other two nodded silently. Petunia was a bit scared to hear one of her sister's last words. She just prayed that she didn't turn into a sniveling mess in the end.
Griphook cleared his throat and began to read.
"This is the last will and testament of Lily Rosalind Potter née Evans...
Oh Harry, my baby boy! Mummy loves you so much. It saddens me that I never had the opportunity to see you grow up. Although, I pray that you have my smarts instead of your dads! Although I'm not saying that it's a bad thing...
I leave to you Harry:
The Potter family history books
The family album
My Charms and Potions books and notes( I was awesome at those subjects, if I do say so myself!)
The Evans vault
My locket
Mine and James' portraits
Armbands for you and your mate to wear
And finally, some advice : Be wary of dear old Dumbles , he's a dangerous character to deal with. He'll kill you just to shut you up! I mean it too. Just look at what happened to the McKinnons! They found out about Dumbledore's murky past and boom! They're dead a week later after leaving the country. James and I decided to rather go Neutral after finding out about Dumbledore's shadiness too. We're worried that he'll get us too. Anyway on a less depressing note, I just wanted to say, no matter who your mate is, know that I'll be rooting for you! Always.
To my sister Tuney , I hope that you are treating Harry well or I will find a way to come back and haunt you. Also, to say sorry about drifting farther away from you,(I will always love you Tuney! Don't forget that). I'm leaving you with all my dresses and and jewelry and a portrait of me to talk to , along with all my books and 5000 galleons.
To Severus, you were my first and bestest friend. I am so sorry for leaving you alone after the mistake you made. I overreacted. I hope you forgive me. I leave you 10000 galleons.
To Remus, I leave you 10000 galleons ( pamper yourself Rem! And stop wallowing in sadness and get yourself someone who will love you for being yourself!)
To Sirius, I leave you advice: run. Run as far , FAR away as you can get from Dumbledore, if he catches you: fake it til you make it!
To Dumbledore, I leave you with a fuck you dipshit, a go to hell and oh yeah let me not forget! A die motherfucker too! Hahahahaaaaaa!!!!
Written and signed by
Lily Rosalind Potter nee Evans
26 October 1981"
Harry cracked up at his mother's foul mouth. He never thought that his mother could be so funny. But some things still shocked him.
His parents went Neutral.
Dumbledore killed the McKinnons.
His mum left him something for him and his mate.
His parents were awesome. Petunia on the other hand, let's just say that her prayer wasn't answered. She was sobbing into her palms of her hands repeating the same phrase over and over: " Lily still loved me?"
Griphook watched the party for a little bit longer before offering Petunia a tissue and water, which she accepted gratefully.
He left them to gather their thoughts for awhile longer before bringing them back to reality.
"Okay , Mr Potter, Mrs Dursley , it is time to find out exactly what you are..." he said dramatically.
Petunia and Harry shared a glance before answering:
"Yes, let's do this."
A/N: I feel evil, oh so evil! To leave you guys guessing like this! 😂
Anyhoo, Harry's creature is not that impressive, depends on who is reading. But please, do vote 🗳 and tell me if you like the story. Remember though, NO FLAMES 🔥 😡

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