Hermione's letter

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After Harry had put the letter from Gringotts in a safe place, he decided to get out of his room for once. Brooding didn't get him anywhere. He took out fresh clothes that he was going to wear today. After accomplishing that, he went to go take a shower. But something was odd. He could smell food cooking downstairs. Normally he'd be the one making it while the Dursleys were asleep. And it was eerily quiet in the other bedrooms... What the hell is going on?

Harry decided to dismiss it. He showered, brushed his teeth and newly long hair, and dressed in a faded plaid shirt and and slightly baggy jeans that used to belong to Dudley. He slipped into his ratty sneakers. After he was done, he went downstairs.

The sight that greeted him in the kitchen was...odd. Breakfast was made and dished out for ...four? Not three. Four.

"Harry, there was a letter that came for you in the post. From someone called a Herminny Grayner?"said Aunt Petunia.

"Hold up! When did you start calling me Harry , huh?"asked Harry,stunned.

"Since now, just go get your letter!" Petunia snapped, not turning away from the stove.

"Okay, gosh..." Harry groused, stalking out of the kitchen gracefully.

He headed towards the door where the letters were piling on the floor. He picked them up and took them to the kitchen. Dudley and Vernon were already seated at the table and eating. Harry sat down and left the other letters on the table, taking out the one from Hermione.

Vernon stared at him and asked Petunia, " What is he doing sitting here?"

Petunia stared back annoyed with Vernon. "Harry , is having breakfast, Vernon. Now leave him alone!"she snapped.

Dudley sat there gaping at his mother. Why was she acting like this?

Harry chuckled and opened his letter. It read:

Dear Harry
I KNOW Dumbledore said not to owl you, so instead I decided to do it the Muggle way. It's harder to track.

I have some bad news to tell you:

While I was visiting the Burrow (I left after I heard, it was too much to handle.) I overheard a conversation between Dumbledore, Ron and Ginny.

Dumbledore told them to slip a love potion into both our drinks at school so that we would fall for them. What's worse is that they agreed that you would marry Ginny, get her pregnant and then after you defeat Voldemort, they kill you, take the credit and your fortune. And here's another bombshell:

The prophecy is a fake.

Dumbles wanted to get rid of Tom Riddle.

On a high note: are you free on Thursday? I have so many things to tell you about.


Harry's face fell a little bit. At least he knew none of the other Weasleys were involved in this. How could Ron and Ginny do such a thing? And for money too! If they wanted some, they should've just asked, he wouldn't have minded. And to force him into a relationship, that's just wrong . And honestly, Harry liked living, thank you very much. He was too young to die, when he didn't have the opportunity to meet his mate yet! As he sat , digesting the information he learnt, Petunia asked hesitantly, "Why do you seem so upset Harry?"
Harry looked up at her with dull eyes. "The people who I thought were my friends sold me out for money, and they're going to kill me," he whispered.


"Why are you being so nice to me? I already know about the money Dumbledore gave you,"Harry asked,suspiciously.

His aunt froze. "You knew? How?"she asked.


Vernon got angry. "How many times have I told you not to use the 'M' word?!"he roared, slamming his hands down on the table.

Harry lost it. "Just shut up, would you? You're so fucking annoying!"

"Don't you talk to me like that!" Vernon yelled , standing up and taking off his belt. Harry's eyes widened. He hadn't been hit with the belt since last summer, and the scars had vanished during his transition. Vernon pulled on his hair roughly and dragged him up the stairs to his bedroom.

Once there, Vernon tossed Harry onto the cot. Harry landed with a thump, hands shielding his face. Just as Vernon was about to deliver the first blow, Petunia was at the door.

"Stop this Vernon! He didn't do anything!"she shrieked, pulled on Vernon's meaty arms.

"Oh so you're siding with the freak now,huh? Not surprising actually, you're related to one you bitch!"growled Vernon, backhanding Petunia's horsey face.

She landed on the floor,unconscious with a nosebleed.
Vernon rounded on Harry again. "You're just a worthless freak! You're nothing! Nothing!"he yelled.

He beat Harry on every surface of his body that would not be viewed by the public eye until Harry was black and blue. Vernon called Dudley and told him to beat Harry up too. Dudley did so gleefully. Harry begged and begged for them to stop,but they didn't listen.

When Harry was quite bloody and ruined, they left him and Petunia in the room, laughing about what they had done. Harry had slipped into the bliss of unconsciousness an hour ago. The pain had become too much to withstand. His blood stained the cot and his clothes, a bit of the wall and his bedside table.

(Time skip!)

Petunia moaned in pain as she woke up. The streetlights were on. That meant that it was at least 8pm. She was still surprised that she was out that long. Then she remembered why she was unconscious in the first place. Harry. She looked around the room for him until her eyes rested on his bloody form. He was a heartbreaking sight. There was just so much blood. A tear escaped from her eye . She went over to him and stroked his face,not caring about the blood.

"Oh Harry,I'm so sorry. I'm sorry Lily, I couldn't save your son in time..."she whispered.

Avada Kedavra green eyes opened. "It's okay,Aunt Petunia. I'm almost done healing, give me a few more minutes,"Harry whispered hoarsely. "I know a place that we could go to, just pack your clothes and meet me downstairs quickly. Also, give me the key to the cupboard under the stairs, I need my wizard world items ..."

"Okay, thank you very much,Harry. After all the pain I caused you, why do you choose to help me?"asked Petunia.

"'Cause you did try to save me in the end, I value that in a person,"replied Harry, "Now go! Before Fat Arse one and two wake up."

Petunia laughed.

They managed to get everything done in under fifteen minutes and Harry hailed the Knight Bus.

They boarded the bus with Stan Shunpike not recognizing either of them. With a "Take it away, Ern!" They sped off, far away from Four Privet Drive forever.



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