Creature Features

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Griphook unrolled the last scroll.
"If I am not being rude by asking, what is the scroll for?"asked Harry nervously.
Griphook stared at him and replied, "A letter from your parents telling you about you can deal with your inheritance and how to find your mate, of course." As if that was the most obvious thing in the world.
Harry flushed in embarrassment. "Oops...Sorry," was all he said. Griphook laughed at him.
"Can I start now,Mr Potter?"the amused goblin said.
Griphook cleared his throat (yet again. This guy will end up damaging his throat!) and started speaking:
"Dear Harry,
If you're hearing or reading this, then we are dead and you came into your creature inheritance.
Just know dear, that it's nothing to be afraid of. ('What are talking about? I'm totally cool with it!' thought Harry)
In your case, as time stretches on, you'll end up facing real as fuck problems. Since you have two creature inheritances, you'll be a bit unhinged,due to the fact of your two creature instincts going against each other from time to time. But don't worry, that's what your mate is for. To keep you grounded. The special armbands we left are for you and your mate to wear after the consummation of your bond. But be careful! Your inheritance is certainly not Light. Dumbledore cannot find out! He might kill you or try to control you if he does. Neither Lily's nor I's inheritances are Light. We were Dark creatures and we hid it well enough. We had only told Sirius, Remus and Peter about it, since we could trust them. If you need anymore information, go to the Potter vault #894 , it is filled with books about creature inheritances you can get.
"That was...interesting. I'd never thought that my parents were Dark Creatures. But what I don't get is how my mother is one? Isn't she a muggleborn?" Harry asked, confused.
"The Evans line come from a long line of Squibs. There wasn't enough magic in the line until it manifested properly in your mother. Before the Evans became Squibs, they were one of the most respected families in England straight after the Potters and Malfoys . The Evans Line mixed their blood with creatures called Vulpine.Those are a type of Vampires with wings. The more common name people use to call them are Fallen Angels. The legend behind it is that while the world was still new and magic was used freely, there was a vampire named Krona Vilikas. He had fallen in love with an angel of The Afterlife named Atlaire. Dark and Light were not supposed to be mixed together in that time so when the Celestial Court found out about Atlaire's ... activities, they punished her and told her to never see Krona again. But Atlaire didn't listen. She had fallen hard for Krona and he for her. So they carried on seeing each other and got closer until Atlaire got pregnant. The Court found out. They banished Atlaire to be bound to Earth forever and cursed the baby to have a Dark and wild nature to pass onto its descendants. That is until the Evans started mixing their blood with Vulpine, their instincts dulled down a bit to make them more docile. That is how Vulpine were created. Did you know that Vulpine are native to Greece?"said Griphook.
Both Petunia and Harry were silent. This revelation was too much. It was a few more moments before anybody spoke.
"So you're telling me that I am part Vulpine?"asked Harry, stunned.
Griphook stared at him, smiling. "Yes, Mr Potter. It's pronounced as 'Vool-pee-neigh' . So you don't get confused. And you are a powerful one too, most likely."
"And what was James, may I ask?"queried Aunt Petunia. She was interested to know more about creatures. They were just so fascinating! And if it was a bit childish, she just wanted another story.
Harry perked up. At first he was a bit upset finding out that his Vulpine had a basically 'wild card' nature. No matter though, as long as he doesn't hurt his elusive mate and remaining loyal friends.
"Yeah, I'd really like to know if my dad's creature could balance out my mum's..."said Harry,not looking up from his lap.
"Yes, just wait here..."said Griphook, as he went to go fetch a piece of parchment and a blood test pin. He came back into the room and sat down again.
"Mr Potter, could you please prick yourself with this pin and squeeze out three drops of blood onto this piece of parchment . Then tap your wand onto the parchment and say: 'Inheri Revelio Incantatem'. Your details should show up on the page,"said Griphook.
Harry did as he was told. A few seconds later the blood formed into words across the page. It said:
NAME: Harry James Potter
AGE:16 years of age
BORN:31 July 1980
PARENTS: Lily Rosalind Potter née Evans- Mother (deceased)
James Charlus Potter-Father (deceased)
GODPARENTS:Sirius Orion Black (fugitive)
Alice Tamara Longbottom née Daniels (declared
clinically insane)
CREATURES: Part Equal Vulpine Part Equal Dark Veela
MATE: One ( must find out on his own)
"Well, no wonder why I look so hot! I got some Veela in me!" Harry cackled. He really was starting to sound very insane. Must be the Vulpine shining through.
"Don't flatter yourself my dear. You'll just get a big head!" Petunia giggled.
Griphook couldn't help himself anymore. He burst out laughing. The other two stopped abruptly in surprise. It was a rare sight to see a goblin laugh.
"I'm sorry but you wizards make me laugh!" came the reply through cackles. After a another minute of laughter, the goblin managed to compose himself.
"Any questions?"he asked.
"Yes... what does it mean on the paper when it says that I am an Equal?" Harry asked, confused.
"It means that you aren't a dominant nor a submissive creature, rather, you are half and half and so is your destined mate. You two can both carry and impregnate each other with children. It just depends on who tops who during intercourse. It seems like you have a more dominant nature so you may be the one who tops, while your mate may have a slightly more submissive nature, so they would bottom. At least, most of the time..."the goblin said.
"Wait,wait,wait! Hold up! You're saying that both my mate and I can have children? So you're telling me that my mate may be male?"asked Harry frantically.
"Whoa. Freaky..."said Harry, stunned. He had never really thought that his mate would be a guy. Just so long as it wasn't Lord Moldywart! He couldn't deal with that. Well... unless Moldy had found some way to look like Tom Riddle again, then they'd talk. But how would he find out who his mate was though?
"How do I find my mate?" Harry asked tentatively.
"Tonight, when you go to sleep, you will have a vision of your mate. You will see exactly where they are and they will see you. You must go to them the very next day after seeing them or both of you will get very sick. You can experience a period called Heat where both you and your mate need to have sex for ten days, non stop. It was specifically for conceiving children, nowadays, it is a pointless instinct. For more information, look at the books in your vault," said Griphook. The goblin had an afterthought. He had almost forgotten to tell Harry something. "Oh, before I forget, Mr Potter... since you are legally emancipated and considered as an adult now because of your titles, you are allowed to do magic from now on,"he added. Inside, Harry was bubbling with joy. Finally, he was allowed to do magic! Instead he said this:
"Okay, cool. Could you please show me my bank statements?I want to know exactly how much money was taken out of my vault since 1981,"said Harry.
Griphook took out another paper from the box that kept the wills and letter. He handed them over to Harry.
Harry took them and he,along with Petunia, began to read:
NAME: Harry James Potter
PARENTS: Lily Rosalind Potter née Evans (Mother-deceased)
James Charlus Potter (Father-deceased)
BORN:31 July 1980
CURRENT AGE: 16 years of age
Merlin (Emrys)
Le Fay
HEIR TO: The Most Ancient and Noble House Of Black (through Sirius Black- Godfather)
Magical Core-Level Merlin -60%
Creature inheritance-60%
A.P.W.B. Dumbledore
R.B. Weasley
G.M Weasley
Ginevra Molina Weasley
Draco Lucius Malfoy
Other Slytherins
October 31,1981 to June 30, 1996- 1000 galleons to the Dursley family every month
November 17,1981 to June 30,1996-10000 galleons to the Dumbledore Vault every month
September 1,1991 to June 24,1996- 5000 galleons to Ronald Weasley's Private Vault every month
October 31,1992 to June 24,1996-5000 galleons to Ginevra Weasley's Private Vault every month
Harry was mad as fuck. How dare that old goat have the guts to steal from him?! And Ron and Ginny too! He already knew that they stole from him, but not that much! He didn't need to do any mental math to know that all together, it was a lot of money they took. He was just glad that the other Weasleys weren't involved, it would have been painful for him if they were. There was only one thing to do now...
"I want them to pay it all back! It must be out of their own pockets! And Ginevra Weasley owes me a Life Debt! She's going to pay extra hard! Please add on 15% interest on top of the money they owe me. No one, and I mean no one gets away with betraying me! And let me not forget! Add on Vernon and Dudley Dursley to that too! Oh, bitches are gonna paaaay!" Harry cackled, his eyes glowing a very bright Avada Kedavra green.
Petunia, quite honestly, was worried for her nephew's sanity.
Griphook smiled. He really liked this kid. "Yes, Mr Potter, they shall be sent letters today. Do you require another service from us?"he asked Harry.
"I would like to know how much money I have now and I would like to get a credit card to use both in the Muggle and Wizard World,"said Harry after composing himself.
"You have 9 742 379 903 127 galleons all together. That makes you richer than Tom Riddle, who was the richest person in Europe and the rest of the world . Now you are the richest person on the planet right now. We know that Mr Riddle is Lord Voldemort and is still alive, but goblins are Neutral creatures who don't side in Wizard Wars so we aren't about to tell the Ministry, those duffers can figure it out themselves!" Griphook cackled.
Harry laughed along with him. Although, he still couldn't get over the fact that he was the richest person in the world. And Tom Riddle was second. That was funny. He thought that old Voldy got money from the Malfoys. The Malfoys.
Harry was richer than them! Hahaha! Wait until the mini- Malfoy hears about it! Harry cackled more at the thought of how the Malfoy Scion's face would look like.
Petunia was dumbstruck. She knew that James was rich, but not that rich! But at least Vernon and Dudley would be punished , thank God. At least there was some justification for Harry. He did deserve better and she was going to help keep him happy!
Griphook conjured up a Gringotts Black Platinum credit card. It was only reserved for special clients. Only people like the Malfoy family had one. He handed it to Harry who had long since calmed down.
"Thank you, Griphook. May your gold overflow and your enemies perish," said Harry in farewell. It was the proper way for goblins to say goodbye. Griphook was stunned.
"Y-You too Mr Potter, Mrs Dursley."
The duo left the bank and carried on with their day. They still had a few hours to meet Hermione.
Once they were a fair distance away from Gringotts, Harry turned to his aunt and looked down at her.
He smiled. She smiled back at him.
"Where do you wanna go first, Aunt dearest? Money is not an issue!" Harry chuckled.
"Shopping of course! We need new clothes and stuff!" Petunia giggled.
And off they went to Madam Malkins.

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