Love Isn't Sweet (03)

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"Lets go eat at the sub place down the street." Kaiden recommended as we stopped by my locker.

"What about my brother?" I asked unsure of my choices.


"Fine," I grumbled as I took out my phone and wallet. Kaiden placed his hand on top of my wallet.

"I will pay." He said with a nod.

"Okay? Let me text Tim." I said and started the message.

ME: I'm going 2 eat lunch off of school grounds with a bud. :/

TIM: K, B careful. See ya after school.

"Okay, lets go. I am starved." I said and grabbed his hand.

"Are you a adopted like me and Tim?" I asked as a shoved a sandwich in my mouth.

"No. Actually, my birth mother kept me." He said and took one of my chips.

"Why don't I have a birth mom?" I asked confused.

"I don't know that answer."

"Is Tim like us?" I asked while looking around the store.

"Sadly, no he is human and your half brother."

"What?" I said with my expression of nothing but shock.


"Okay so I'm a demigod and the daughter of The Great Hero


He nodded.

"My brother is actually my half-brother and I am stuck with the beauty of a goddess."

He nodded, again.

"Come on lets get to school." He said and dumped his trash away with me following. We got back in my car and drove back to the school.

"Here," Kaiden said with his hoodie in his hand. "Wear it. It should be able to cover up the..." He said gesturing to my appearance.

"Okay," I said with the large,worn out hoodie.

"So what is your excuse?" He asked in the halls. Now, we were late to class.

"I was chosen to be of assist the cosmetology classes. They had done a wonderful makeover." I said slowly to grasp the annoyance in my voice. He nodded and led me to my class since I was still new. He led me to the door to my next class, he pecked my cheek and walk to class in the blink of an eye. When his lips pressed my cheek for the slightest moment sparks spread to my core. After a few moments, I walked into class still dazed.

"Loenard?" The young teacher asked as she held the large math book.

"Yeah, I'm Miranda." I said confidently. She nodded and went to her desk.

"I'm Ms. Jinn, You can sit next to Jason." She said pointing to a pair of seats that were perpendicular, but super close. Jason. Jason. Sounds familiar. I slowly walked to my seat. I sat next to Jason, who was humming a annoying tune. I slammed my fist on the table.

"Please stop." I said through gritted teeth.

"I don't think I will. I like to play with hamsters." He said and at the exact moment the teacher dropped the box of 'workbooks'. Hamsters of all colors scurried out of the box that was on the floor and explored through the classroom. Jason busted into fits of laughter as the humans were jumping and screaming at one another. I soon joined the laughter when a grey hamster crawled into the desk and fumbled on the keyboard. The projector that once projected our classwork had shown secret emails to & from the Art teacher. Most of them were of her needing a good lay.

"Good one, Jason." I said and Hi-5 him. When our hands held contact warmth traveled up my arm.


Jason and I raced out of the classroom because we didn't want to waste time finding hamsters. We continued laughing through the halls and he helped me to gym.

"So what is it like being a daughter of Herc?" He asked and his blue eyes shone only curiosity and delight.

"I don't know actually... I am barely able to control my strength and this hood keeps slipping off." I said raised my hood for the hundredth time today.

The coach was a REALLY buff 25 old guy, Mr. Locum.

"Miranda, Sir." I said with a nod.

"Okay Miranda, go change and Rebecca will help you." He said and walked up to a bunch of guys that were already dress and ready to work out.





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