Love Isn't Sweet (19)

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"Hello?" Kaiden's voice said from the line.

"Kaiden..." I said softly because most of my guilt was eating me alive. I can do this I thought to myself.

"Mira..."He whispered my name like I was unreal.

" I know that I made a few mistakes. I know that I'm imperfect. I know that you might possibly end us and I just want t-"

"WHAT? Mira, I understand that you were scared of your past. I would never end things with you..." He paused a moment. Fog started to form in the center of the room. In a flash Kaiden was stand infront of me with his eyes gleaming with love and happiness. I guess he got better at his evaporating stuff.

"I love you, Mira Leonard." He said with complete honesty. I got off of my lazy ass and jumped in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my hands were entangled in his hair as we kissed passionately. In my opinion, it was the best kiss I ever was given. We separated for air.

"I love you, too." I said breathlessly. His eyes brightened and he pecked my lips once more. We heard a wolf-whistle and snapped our heads to a gushing Rebecca and a smirking Liam.

"Mind if I take Mira?" Kaiden asked, but before a single noise could escape Rebecca's mouth a large dark fog surrounded Kaiden and I. Rebecca and Liam's bodies faded and I felt a warp of wind flush around us.

Suddenly a dark fog surrounded us again, but soon disolved into the air. Kaiden and I were on top of the school, on the roof. The sun was bright in the cloudless sky. I finally noticed that Kaiden was behind me with his hand circled around my waist.

"Thank, you." He whispered in my ear. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

"For what?" I asked quietly.

"For loving me." He said and evaporated infront of mw and capture his lip on mine. I closed my eyes while kissing my true love. Droplets began to drop on us, so I created a natural pavilion. The rain got harder and lightening struck my pavilion. We separated quickly and I accidently missplaced my foot. I slipped on the shudders and fell quickly. I awaited a hard surface, but was met by the feathers of a large bird. I collapsed on the birds back and the bird flew me off. Kaiden's figure soon disappeared and my vision was blurred from the hard rain. The only thing on my mind was 'Oh Shit'.




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