Love Isn't Sweet (23)

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~*6 weeks later*~

"Aah, Kaiden put me down!" I screamed at him. I was on top of his lean build and pounding on his chest to put me down. A large fog formed around us and we soon were on top of the school. He put me down and I saw a little table and two chairs set out with a large candle centered. I turned around and hugged Kaiden tight.

"I love it!" I gushed and kissed his cheek. He took my hand and pushed my chair for me and sat across from me.

"What would you like pizza or pizza?" Sam asked in all black and a notepad in his hand.

"The first choice, please." I said with smile. I know this wasn't suppose to be formal because I was in some green basketball shorts and a tank top. Kaiden wore the same thing but all black.

Sam nodded and asked the same thing to Kaiden.

"Here you go." Sam said and gave us a large cheese pizza slice on a thin paper plate. We said thank you and began to eat the pizza. Sam walked towards our table cautiously.

"Forgot, what drinks would you like Mt. Dew or Mt. Dew?" He asked nervously.

"I'm going to have to talk to the manager." I said with a emotionless facial expession.

"No,No,No. Please don't he will send me to a dark place, literally." He said on his hands and knees.

"Please leave us, Sam. Your fired." Kaiden said with a smile.

"No hard feelings, bro. I wouldn't hire myself anyway." Sam said and walk away.

I got up from my seat and sat on Kaiden's lap. I kissed him softly on the lips and we savoired our touch.

"I love you, Miranda." Kaiden said with a smile.

"Well you better, we are True Loves." I teased and pecked his lips. "I love you, too."


Blake's P. O. V

"Excuse me, I'm here to see-" I stopped when I was met by the most beautiful blue eyes. Her eyes would put the sky to shame. Her golden hair looked silky and smooth. I think I'm in love. She looked like she was checking me out also. Our eyes met again and I saw love also in her eyes.

"Err... Grace," I said as I looked at her name tag. "Would you like to go out some time?" I asked completely forgetting why I was here at the museum.

"I would like that. Here is my number..." She said with paper in her hand.

"Blake, My name is Blake." I said with a smile. "I'll see you later, Grace." I said with a wink that caused her to blush.

I walked out of the building jobless, but with a number from the most beautiful girl.

The End




...Maybe fan

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