Love Isn't Sweet (08)

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The warm water soothed my muscles, greatly. I shampooed my hair with melon scented shampoo. When I was approved of my cleanliness, I jumped out of the large granite shower. I wrapped a fuzzy, royal blue towel around myself. I quickly unfolded my clothes to find some neon yellow undies. I quickly dried myself off and got dressed in Hannah's clothes. The bottoms were kind of loose and the shirt was snug. Lets just say I'm glad I was wearing a bra. I brushed my tangled golden hair and braided it to a side. When I got out of my bathroom, I was jumped by a black kitten. It rubbed its side against my leg and purred. I picked up the fur ball and held it to my chest. I held the kitten close and opened my door. I walked out with the kitten in my arms. I walked towards the living room.

"Why was there a kitty in my room?" I asked as I took a seat on the fluffy carpet.

"It happens a lot of times. That kitten climbs the tree by your room window. It usually goes in and out, but we let the little guy wander around. I see it has taken a liking of you." Kaiden said with a smirk.

"Can I keep him?" I asked while I petted the kitten in my lap.

"Sure. We already kinda look after him."

"Yeah!" I fist pumped my hand.

"I'm going to name him, Kirk." I said with a silly grin. Kaiden chuckled and stood up from the sofa to sit by me on the fluffy carpet to pet Kirk.


Kaiden stood up again and let out a annoyed sigh.

"Sorry, I need to-" He started.

"Just hurry up and get the

door." I rushed and gave my full attention to Kirk who was rolling on the carpet. I giggled and laid on my back and started to day dream. What is the deal with Jason and Kaiden? Am I taking Kaiden from Rebecca? Should I just be safe and be with Jason? I'm not blind, I could see the admiration he shows in his eyes. I know that Kaiden doesn't give me looks, but the little things show how much he actually-

"WHAT?!?" I heard someone screech. Rebecca. Ugh! I then heard stomping heading towards Kirk and I. Rebecca appeared with anger no- RAGE in her eyes. Her hands were clenched and her eyes narrowed. I loved her outfit though. It was dark skinnys, a dark brown blouse, and golden flats and jewelery.

"What are you doing here, Slut?" She said angrily. I remained calm or tried because I didn't want to scare little Kirk.

"I needed a place to stay." I said slowly for to understand.

"You have family. No need to be a slut and be with all the demi-gods." She huffed loudly.

"I'm not demi-god. Both my parents are gods, so I don't have any family." I said still calm.

"Just go be a whore with Jason. Kaiden is mine." She yelled. Hannah & Susan walked in to the room from the yelling. We were both oblivous to Kaiden's presence.

"I am no ones and I don't need any drama, Becca." He said sternly.

"Well if she left or wasn't here in the first place there would be no need for drama."

"I'll just go. I don't need your drama." I said and stood with Kirk in my hands. "I will take Kirk with me. Thanks for the clothes and stuff, Susan & Kaiden." I said with small smile. I walked gracefully towards the front door.

"Thank Gods." Rebecca said with a smirk in her voice.

"You don't need to." Kaiden pleaded. I smiled sadly and wrapped my arms around his neck for a hug. While, he placed his hands on my hips made me shudder in delight.

"I'll text you if I have

problems." I whispered in his ear. We released and I began to walk. Jason's house was pretty far. I needed the time to think. Why was Rebecca so possessive of Kaiden? They weren't a 'object'. To think even the thought made my chest ache. Why? Why was my body reacting like this? I don't know if it is a good or bad thing. With Jason, it is warmth and passion. With Kaiden, its fire and love. Love? I don't even know anymore.

I stepped onto Jason's lawn. Wow. That was fast.


Oh Kirk! Forgot all about the kitten in my arms. Oops.

I knock once.




Hmm. I grabbed the door knob and opened the door. It was silent as a butterfly. The silence was interrupted by moans from down the hall. I quietly walked towards the noises, but stopped. My foot banged against one of the small tables in the hallway. The moaning and the whole house was silent. The door flew open and Jason stood there shirtless and HOT AS HELL and wide eyed.

"Uh..." He stuttered like he was caught in the act. Wait! He was.

"I... um... I will just go. Sorry for interupting your

thinga-ma-jig." I said and did a 180° turn and speed walked out of there. I was stopped when I was almost out of his lawn.

"I'm sorry." He said with watery eyes.

"For what?" I asked completely confused. We are not a 'thing'. He wasn't cheating on me. He was just a friend. A friend. He was just

unavailable to help me, his friend.

"For doing that to you back there. I was just confused, scared, and frustrated about you leaving with Kaiden." He explained. I put both of my hands on his shoulders.

"Jason, all I've seen you is as a friend. I know that it is going to hurt you, but atleast know that you didn't hurt me at all." I said with a small smile. I pulled him into a hug. He sighed in relief. When I let go of him I frowned.

"I'm going to go. Kinda weird to know my friend was or is going to get it

on." I said and giggled. He chuckled and nodded.

"Where are you going to go?" He asked.

"I don't know, but I am getting uncomfortable and my arms are getting tired." I said with Kirk still in my arms.

"I'll take him." He said and I nodded and gave him my most prized possession.

"Well see ya, tomorrow!" I said and started to jog.





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