Love Isn't Sweet (12)

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"What happened?" Liam asked as he sat beside me. "Your body was covered in vines of roses."

"I talked with my mom and dad. They showed me Jason a few days through, like a flashback. He was saying a poem of some sort about love. Do you know anything about his mother, Atë?" I asked. Maybe had a reason or something. He did say something with a curse.

"She is goddess of Mischief and Delusion.-"

"You mean like false belief with strong conviction?" I asked, trying to piece together the pieces.


"I WANNA BOOM BANG WITH YO BODY OH!" My alarm rung loudly in the middle of the conversation.

"I need to take a bath." I said and quickly rushed to the falls. When I got there, I undressed quickly and hopped in. I scrubbed my body and began to think.

What could the curse, Love, Delusion, and Jason do with my-? Oh My Good Gods! I quickly got out of the water and ran to Liam.

"Hurry Up! We need to get to school!" I yelled as I got to the Black SUV. I quickly got into a pair of ripped jeans and a Hollister sweater. I quickly tied my converse shoes and got in the truck. After 5 minutes, Liam came around the corner of trees andi got in the truck.

"So, what is the big deal?" Liam asked while he drove us to school.

"Doesn't matter right now. You know in Gellot, how we are doing those poems?"

"Yeah?" He replied while focusing on the road. "We have to say our poems in front of our year." He said like I was lost in my explanation.

"Yes! Okay, well Rebecca will be there to hear my poem!" I screamed and hopped in my seat.

We parked in the parking lot and got our bags. I grasped Liam's hand in mine to calm me down. I just couldn't wait. Jason was eyeing Liam with hatred across the school grounds and Rebecca was by Kaiden trying to get his attention while he was staring at me. We continued to walk to the auditorium. Mr. Gellot had made all of the AP ELA classes get there early for rehersals. I know... it is stupid to read poems in front of strangers, but it was going to help me get Kaiden back.

"Okay, Everyone I want you to say your poem of life to a partner." Mr. Gellot said loudly for all the students to hear.

I was soon tugged by a stranger quickly and pulled out of the crowd. The stranger had a dark hoodie on,so I couldn't see his face I was then pushed into the supply closet.

A set of lips were forced upon mine and sparks flew everywhere. We moved in sync and my fingers tangled in his smooth hair. We soon pulled away for air. I opened my eyes to see Kaiden?

"Kaiden?" I whispered as I kept the same position.

"Hmm" He mumbled.

"Why are we in the closet?" I asked as he pulled away. I really did have a strong pull to Kaiden.

"Why are you with the dreamer?" He asked looking pained.

"I'm not and never will be with the dreamer." I said referring to Liam.

"Why not?" He asked confused.

"I am reserved." I said confidently.

"For who?" He asked with a frown. I shook my head trying to decide. Should I, should I not.

"You" I whispered and captured his lips in mine. He responded by kissing me back.

"We got to go; I have to do the poem." I said as I pulled away. He nodded and started to walk back to the auditorium.

"Welcome all Juniors!" Mr. Gellot announced to everyone seated.

"Your fellow students are going to read poems they have wrote about life." He said and the speakers took turns. I only listened to the demi-gods. The humans didn't interest me because the anxiety was slowly eating me.

"I wait patiently for you,

But you never come. My love is only to you for the heavens have blessed it. The hate that is shown from others slowly eat me away ,so slowly."-Jason's

"The confusion, hate, and anger is all result of love.

Is it all love? The confusion of the heart. The hate and jealousy of others. Anger and love are so close, but so different."-Liam's

"All I want to see is you.

Every sunrise,

Every sunset,

Every day. The emotions I feel can be caged for so long. But I know for sure is that I love you."-Kaiden

They were all based in love. I could see why, all their life was was a 1000 piece puzzle. I felt exactly the same.

"Miranda," Mr. Gellot said sternly, because I had daydreamed. I nodded and walked on to the stage. Everyone's attention was to me, it was kinda uncomfortable. I saw Rebecca still dazed by Kaiden's 'I Love You'. If only she knew. I cleared my throat.

"Love is strong, it can make the boldest person weak. Love is part of life. Love can lead to heartbreak. isn't sweet." I said slowly. I closed my eyes trying to control my powers. My fingers crinkled as vines of poison ivy entered the auditorium. I made one slide to the water sprinklers lever. The whole school evacuated the building as the water was flying everywhere. I opened my eyes to see Kaiden, Jason, Liam, and Rebecca.

"I'm SO sorry, Liam!" Rebecca sobbed. Liam wrapped his arms around her whispered soothing words.

"What is going on here? Rebecca is no longer obssesed with me and Jason looks furiated." He said and pointed to Jason who was shaking. I twirled my finger and two slim vines wrapped around his forearm.

"Jason, made Rebecca dillusional and made her believe she was your true lover to ocupy you. While, he tried to court me and get my attention. He loved me so much, but my heart was only for one." I said with a smirk and looked into Kaiden's dark eyes. "Liam came in search of Rebecca, but found her in Jason's dillusion."

"How could you, Jason? You didn't even tell us about your gift." Kaiden sounded hurt.

"I wanted Miranda,that simple.-" He started.

"Hey guys!" A guy with bleach blonde hair chirped as he strolled in.

"Great," Everyone, even jason grumbled.





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