Chapter 3: A new mission

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Erica's POV

My granddad is still working for the CIA. That definitely hasn't changed.

A few days ago I got a message from him, telling me that I am being activated on a new mission. All I know is that it has something to do with SPYDER and that I need to meet up with him today, to get the file with all the information known. Our meeting spot is Georgetown Waterfront Park and he should be there at 1200 hours.

If SPYDER is involved then it can only be bad. All of their plans are well thought out and ambitious... yeah, I guess that is a good way to put it.

I had like a 5-minute walk left and I still had time, so I slowed down and decided not to rush. Even with me walking slowly I will be early.

What is SPYDER up to now? Another nuclear bomb, rocket? Probably the plan is to get rich in the end, as always.

I could see the entrance to the park now and looking around I didn't see Cyrus. I had nothing else to do, so... I waited. After a few minutes, I spotted him coming in my direction. I had a quick glance at my phone, to look at the time and saw, that he was exactly on time. As always.

"Follow me." Cyrus said when he came closer to me, but he never stopped. Not even for a second.

I didn't say a word and just followed him. I think it's common sense that when you are a spy, there is no time or need to have small talk. Tho Ben always.... uhhhh, stop! Why after today's dream, I come up with ways to start thinking of him? I thought that I got him out of my head, after all these years.

"Here is your mission file." Cyrus stopped as he spoke. We went to a quiet place in the park where there weren't any people. I will just say that my granddad is a genius. This was a really nice, safe and quiet spot, where we didn't need to worry too much about anyone spying on us.

Yes, even tho I was the best spy at the Academy of Espionage and am one of the best spies around, I still have a lot to learn. Every time I meet Cyrus he just proves this point.

"Read the file and don't let anyone near it. Hide it, destroy it later if you have to, just don't..."

"Granddad, do you really think I don't know what I have to do?" I looked him in the eyes, questioning why he is telling me this, even when he knows that I understand what I have to do.

"Just do it. Good luck agent Hale." Before I was able to say anything to him back, he turned around and soon just disappeared from my view.

"Huh... that was a bit weird, even for him." I quietly said.


"So the only thing the CIA was able to find out was that SPYDER agents have been spotted near The White House. That's it..." I spoke out loud while sitting in the living room of my childhood house. "Well, granddad you are not giving me a lot to work with here."

Well, it is a bit suspicious, but there aren't any records of any suspicious actions from them, just the fact that two agents have been spotted... wait what is that? Reading thru the given text I saw that SPYDERS base is somewhere near Virginia, possibly somewhere close to the Washington National airport. Well, that could be a quick getaway if something goes wrong, but why would they use the national airport if they would probably have a private helicopter ready.

All of this seems off. Nothing makes sense. They already tried to kill people at The White House before and failed, why would they try again. And what would be there plan this time if the target is the same? And there is also the possibility that the target is someone else.

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